Housing in Japan includes modern and traditional styles. Two dominant dwelling patterns in contemporary Japan: single family and multi-unit single-family homes, whether owned by individuals or companies and rented as apartments for tenants, or owned by residents. Additional types of housing, especially for unmarried people, including boarding houses (popular among students), dormitories (public in the company), and barracks (for members of the Self-Defense Forces, police and some other public employees).
The unusual feature of Japanese housing is that homes are considered to have a limited lifespan, and are generally torn down and rebuilt after decades, generally twenty years for wooden buildings and thirty years for concrete buildings - see rules for details.
Video Housing in Japan
Statistik perumahan
The figures from the 2012 Housing and Land Survey conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Communications show that Japan has 53,890,900 housing units at the time. Of these, 46,862,900 (86.9%) were occupied and 7,027,900 (13.0%) were unfilled. Of the units occupied, 28,665,900 (61.2%) are owned by households. The average number of rooms per residential unit is 4.77, the total average floor area is 94.85 square meters (28.69 tsubo; 1.021.0 sqÃ, ft) and the average number of people per room is 0.56. 45,258,000 units (96.6%) were used exclusively for life and 1,605,000 units (3.4%) were used for both commercial and life purposes. Of the units used specifically for life, 10,893,000 (24.1%) are equipped with automatic smoke detectors. In 2003, 17,180,000 housing units (36.7%) were classified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan as located in urban areas while 27,553,000 housing units (58.8%) were located in rural areas.
As in America, most Japanese live in single-family housing. During the postwar period, the number of multi-unit houses in Japan increased rapidly. In 1990, for example, 60% of Japanese homes consisted of single-family homes, compared to 77% in 1958. Two years earlier, in 1988, 62.3% of the total housing units in Japan were single family units and 37.7 % is a multi-unit house. In the same year, a survey conducted by Japan's economic planning agency showed that 62.3 percent of the population of Japan has a separate two-story house.
In the 1980s, new homes in Japan cost 5-8 times the average annual income of Japanese, and 2-3 times the average American. The typical loan term for Japanese homes is 20 years, with payments 35% down, while in the United States it is 30 years and 25%, due to different practices in their financial markets.
A survey conducted by the Management and Coordinating Agency in 1983 found that there were 34.75 million occupied homes in Japan, of which 46.1% were built of wood, 31.3% firewood, and 22.6% of ferroconcrete or other non-nontimber materials. The same survey found that separate housing accounted for 64.3% of all housing in Japan, with falling ratios in urban areas. In 23 districts of Tokyo, for example, multi-unit structures such as apartment houses accounted for 62.5% of all housing in the ward. In terms of ownership, 62.4% of the housing in Japan consists of the owner's dwellings, 24.3% of the units rented by the private sector, 7.6% of the units rented by the public sector, and 5.2% of housing for government workers and company employees.
According to a housing survey conducted in 1993, single-family homes accounted for 59.2% of all housing in Japan. In 1997, it was estimated that about 60% of Japanese lived in separate homes. In 1998, 52% of all residences in Japan were found to consist of separate homes owned by their residents, 36% were rented homes in apartment complexes, 8% were living in apartment complexes, and 4% rented separate houses. In 2008, it was estimated that six out of ten Japanese people lived in single-family homes.
Maps Housing in Japan
Danchi ( ?? , lit. "group ground" ) is a Japanese word for a large group of apartment buildings with a certain style and design, usually built as public housing by government authorities.
Japan Housing Corporation (JHC), now known as Urban Renaissance Agency (UR), was founded in 1955. During the 1950s, 60s and 70s, JHC built many danchi in suburbs cities to keep pace with housing demand from Japan's growing population.
Interior Design
Traditional house
A traditional Japanese house has no special use for any room other than the entrance area ( genkan, ), kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. Each room can be a living room, dining room, study room, or bedroom. This is possible because all the necessary furniture is portable, stored in oshiire , a small part of the house (large closet) used for storage. It is important to note that in Japan, the living room is expressed as ima , "living space". This is because the size of the room can be changed by changing the partition. Large traditional houses often have only one ima (living room/living room) under the roof, while the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet are attached to the side of the house as an extension.
Somewhat similar to a modern office, the in house partition is made by fusuma , a sliding door made of wood and paper, which is portable and easily removable. Fusuma closes each partition from top to bottom so it can create a mini space inside the house. On the edge of a house is r? Ka , a wood-floored hallway, which resembles a hallway. R? Ka and ima partitioned by sh? Ji, sliding doors and portable doors are also made of paper and wood. Unlike fusuma, paper used for sh? Ji is so thin that outside light can enter the house. This is before the glass starts to be used for sliding doors. R? Ka and the outdoors are either partitioned by a wall or a portable wooden board used to cover the house at night. Extended Roof protect r? Ka from wet in the rain, except during the hurricane season where the house is fully sealed. The roof of a traditional house in Japan is made of wood and clay, with a tile or a straw area above it.
For large meetings, this partition is removed to create a large meeting room. During normal days, partitions can create a much smaller and more manageable living space. Therefore, kitchen, bathroom, toilets, and house with a multipurpose living space make one complete Japanese house unit. However, the bathroom, toilet, and even the kitchen can be communal. (See Sent? .) Therefore, the minimum Japanese housing arrangement, which is still possible to find if someone is looking for the cheapest room to rent, consists only of genes and a living space.
Modern house
Housing is usually listed in real estate ads in the format of a number of rooms plus a letter indicating the presence of a common space area, for example: 1R or 2LDK. R pointed room, L for living room, D for dining room, and K for kitchen. In this format, showers and toilets are not mentioned but are included with the exception of some very small 1R or 1Ks. L, D and K are not completely separate and are part of or next to the kitchen. LDK is bigger than DK. The number before the letter indicates the amount of additional multipurpose space. Often rooms are separated by removable sliding doors, fusuma, so large single rooms can be made.
In addition, the ad quotes the size of the room - most importantly, the living room - with measurements in the tatami mat ( j? (?) In Japanese), the traditional mat is woven from straw the standard size of rice: 176 cm by 88 cm (5 feet, 9 inches by 35 inches) in the Tokyo area and 191 cm by 95.5 cm in western Japan. "2DK; one six- tatami Japanese style room, one six- tatami Western style room" is an example.
In Japan, multi-unit blocks are referred to as one of two types:
- Apaato (????) (or Apartment) for a rental unit building, which is usually only a few stories high, without a secure central entrance.
- Mansion (?????) usually buys costly buildings (but recently there are rented for large vacancies) with lots of floors, elevators, and communal safe gates, with a central post office box; they are usually stronger built than apaato, usually reinforced concrete (RC) construction.
Although commonly accepted standards for description exist, this is not a legal requirement; therefore, the description may not be fully accurate.
One of the hallmarks of Japanese houses is genkan , or entrance. It covers a small area, on the same level as the outside, where people who arrive take off their shoes. When they took off their shoes, people stepped onto the raised floor. They pointed the tips of their shoes out. Rest of residence is at a level higher than this floor. Adjacent to the bottom floor is a shelf or closet called getabako (geta box) where people will place their shoes. Sandals for indoor use are usually placed there.
Modern Japanese kitchens include appliances such as stoves, narrow fish grills (broilers), and electric refrigerators. Stovetop may be a built-in or perhaps self-contained unit on the counter-top, and usually gas combustion, although recently induction cooker heaters (IH) have become popular. Common units of all types of stoves include two to four burners. Broilers designed for cooking fish are usually part of the stove and are located below, and unlike many Western-style grills, are not full width. The built-in oven which is large enough to be roasted or roasted is rare; in their place, a convection microwave multifunction over the table is used. Most kitchens have electric fans. Furnishings generally include a microwave oven, hot water boiler, and electric toaster oven. Built-in Dishwasher is rare, although some kitchens may have small dishwashers or dishdryers. The kitchen includes running water, usually with a faucet/hot and cold tap.
Japanese housing usually has a lot of room for what in the West housing is the bathroom. Separate spaces for Japanese toilets, wash basins, and ofuro (bath room) are common. Small apartments, however, often contain small bathrooms called bath units that contain all three fixtures. A small sink can also be built at the top of the toilet tank - there is a tap, with the top of the tank forming a sink, and water flowing into the tank - which runs during the flush cycle; this is very common in the mid-20th century. A room with a sink, called a dressing room, usually includes space for the clothes washer. The room contains a waterproof bathtub with room for washing, and often for a bath, adjacent to (rather than in) a bathtub. As a result, the bath water is not soap or dirty, and can be reused. Many washing machines in Japan are equipped with additional pipes to draw water from the tub for washing.
Hot water usually comes from gas heaters or kerosene. Heaters are usually located outside (at least in warm climates). The gas supply may be from city utilities or from LP (Liquid Petroleum) tanks on site. The typical Japanese water heater is without a tank and heats water on demand. One heater can provide a bath and a kitchen. However, many homes have two or more heaters. Recently, electric water heaters (which are environmentally friendly) have been introduced to homeowners. This eco-friendly electric water heater heats water in the tank during midnight hours (when electricity is cheapest) for use the next day.
Modern houses in Japan will have a small washing machine, but most will not have clothes dryers as most Japanese hang dry clothes on the balcony or in the heated bathroom. Laundromat is found throughout Japan. Many small apartments have no room to put washing machines and/or dryers. Likewise, even for homes with washing machines, only a few have dryers. Thus, during the rainy season, or on rainy days and they wash clothes, many people bring their clothes to the laundry to wash and/or dry their clothes.
Many homes include at least one traditional Japanese-style room, or washitsu . It features tatami floor tatami shoji rather than a window-covering curtain, fusuma (a faded slide vertical partition) separates it from another room, a i> oshiire (closet) with two levels (to store the futon), and wooden ceiling. It may not be classy, ​​and serves as a family room during the day and the bedroom at night. Many washitsu have sliding glass doors that open onto a deck or balcony.
Other bedrooms, as well as living rooms, dining rooms and kitchens, are in Western style. They usually have modern synthetic floor coverings. The ceiling is usually also synthetic, and may be white or cream. Windows usually open by sliding to the side, although many open kitchen windows with tilting, with the bottom tilted outwards.
One room house
A one-bedroom house ( wan r? Mu manshon ??????????) is a Japanese apartment style where there is only one small room (10 m 2 or 3.0 tsubo or 110Ã, sqÃ, ft in many cases) and usually a compact bathroom. This is the functional equivalent of a Western-style studio apartment. These units are most often hired by a single individual because of their very small size; it's hard for more than one person to live in it. Most city apartment blocks in Japan have rooms like this although family units (about 60 to 90 m 2 or 18 to 27 tsubo or 650 to 970 sqÃ, ft in size) are more common, especially in the suburbs.
Warming space, not central heating, is normal in Japanese homes. Common kerosene, gas and electricity units. Apartments are often rented without heating or cooling equipment but with empty drains, allowing the installation of heat pump units. Residents buy equipment and carry it when they move.
Traditional Japanese buildings do not use insulation, and insulation may even be eliminated in modern construction, especially in lower-class apartments; or insulated glass traditionally used in windows, hereby generally a single panel. This is not the case in Hokkaido and the northern part of Honsh ?, because of the cold winter there. The centrally heated and centrally heated house in northern Japan is warmer than many houses in the warmer parts of Japan and often uses double panel glass. This is not the case for new buildings as they are isolated and built with insulated glass.
The simplest kerosene burner has a tank for fuel, coats, and control knobs. Battery-operated electric ignition is a popular move. The next rank has an electric fan to circulate the hot air through the room. Many such units control the temperature of the computer. The computer can also turn it on and off on schedule. The gas heater is popular, and many homes have gas outlets in the rooms to accommodate portable units. Windows in many homes have open ventilation to protect residents from exhaust gases. The kerosene and gas units have safety features to turn off the fire and disconnect the fuel supply when the heater receives shocks, either from an accident or an earthquake. These units usually die automatically after two or three hours to prevent carbon monoxide smoke from forming when the population is sleeping.
Another type of kerosene heating function is similar to a radiator and consists of two parts. Kerosene is stored in the tank and burned outside the house, and the flame heats the liquid circulated into the second unit inside the house. In this unit, fans blow a tube carrying a hot liquid, and the room is warmed as a result. This type of heater is popular because it reduces smoke significantly and almost eliminates the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning as well as the possibility of a small child or pet accidentally injuring himself.
Electric heat is usually sent through heat pump units mounted on the ceiling or walls, such as over doors to a deck or balcony, rather than through the baseboards. This heater often performs double duty as AC and is suitably called eakon ( ???? ) . Thermostatic controls and timers are available on most lines. Manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment produce this heater.
In northern Japan, under-floor heating yukadanb? ( ??? ) (literally, floor heating ) is common, a type of heater radiating below floor, where the hot liquid is circulated to provide warmth. Under-floor heating is found in homes or condominiums in warmer parts of Japan but not for apartments. The cost is expensive, so sometimes this type of heater is only installed in restricted areas such as living room or "changing room". Electric carpets have become popular in recent years.
Toilet seats are often warmed by electric heat.
Finally, the traditional type of heater known as kotatsu is still widely used today. Kotatsu can come in many forms, but more commonly as an electric heating element attached to the bottom of a low table: The table is usually surrounded by a thin cloth such as a blanket to keep the heat in. This table type is common in washitsu .
Most Japanese homes are connected to the state power grid by using a 3-wire system with standard 100-phase neutral voltage. 100 V AC outlets located throughout the house for general use. Some 200 V outlets may also exist to connect induction heating stoves or large air conditioners. Line frequency is 50 Hz in eastern Japan, and 60 Hz in the western part of the country. A 30 to 60 ampere current breaker is typical for most electrical distribution boards.
Many home appliances operate well on one frequency (auto-sensing). The outlet resembles the one previously used in North America (see comparison), with two vertical slots. The older outlets are not polarized and many sockets do not have the proper grounding. Outlets in the kitchen, toilets and showers, as well as those provided by the ceiling for the air conditioning unit usually have a third grounding terminal, either in the form of a 3-pin outlet or a closed port. Devices designed for use with water, such as washing clothes and heated toilet seats, often have separate earth wire or earth ground pins. Cheater plug adapters are readily available to convert 3-pin plugs enabling their use across all types of 2-pin sockets.
Since 2005, new Japanese homes are required to have 3-pin earthed outlets to connect household appliances. This rule does not apply to outlets that are not intended to be used for home appliances, but it is strongly recommended to have 3-pin outlets throughout the house.
Lighting appliances, such as heaters, are usually the source of the occupants. Many homes do not include built-in ceiling lights in the living room, dining and bedroom. Instead, they have a ceiling outlet that provides electrical connections and mechanical support for lighting equipment. There are four common types of ceiling connectors and this will generally also support the weight of mounting lights. Kitchens, bathrooms, corridors and gents tend to have ceiling fixtures already installed.
Lighting is generally by fluorescent lights and LED lights, and most often in the living room has a 4-way keypad. The lamp has two separate circular neon tubes, along with a nightlight (formally ???, informally ????, natume-ky ?, "jujube-bulb" (so named for its shape)) ), and the switch cycles between "both lights are on", "only one light is on", "only the night light", and "off". A replaceable starter light (formally ???, informally ???? gur? -ky? "glow bulb") is common in older fixtures.
Outside the central areas of large cities, many Japanese park their cars in or near their homes. Some single-family homes have garage repair shops; others have carports or spaces that are not covered on the grounds. Apartments and condominium buildings often have parking lots, some occupying (for example) the first floor (ie at ground level) buildings, others outdoors. Elevator parking allows twice the use of confined space: a parking lot below ground level, with elevators that raise it when needed; other gardens on the ground. More elaborate elevator settings are also used. Residents also rented parking spaces on vacant land in the neighborhood, generally every month, called tsukigime ch? Sha ( ???? , monthly parking) .
Many single family residences are built by national manufacturers such as Matsushita (by the name of PanaHome), Misawa Home, Mitsui, and Sumitomo Forestry. Some companies like that maintain a garden with model house to show to potential buyers. Condo builders can open units to show potential buyers; alternatively, they can build a separate model space elsewhere. Equipment makers also operate showrooms to showcase their products.
Construction materials
For a freestanding house, wooden frames are very popular. Construction of two-quarters is an original style alternative. Houses may be wrapped or confronted with ceramic tiles. The interior often has drywall, painted or with wall coverings. Roof tile is a common roofing material; it can be fired clay or concrete. Clay tiles are often colored and glazed.
Large buildings are usually built from reinforced concrete. Roof covers include asphalt and synthetic.
House rules
The maximum allowable height of a wooden building in Japan is two levels; However, using some new technologies, some current three-tiered timber buildings are allowed (if they meet building codes). Some wooden houses may have loft, but these can not be used as bedrooms, only for storage space. Steel and concrete buildings may have more stories, but usually they only have two. Basements are rare in private homes but common in high-rise buildings.
Records that can be constructed are arranged on a two-digit system: the coverage ratio of the building ( ??? , kenpeiritsu ) and the ratio of floor area ( ??? , y? sekiritsu ) . Building coverage ratio is the ratio of building footprint compared to total land area. These two numbers are often listed in ads for plots of land such as 70: 400 (where 70 means the ratio of building coverage is 70% and 400 is the ratio of floor area or 400%). This means that a 4-story house can be built using 70% of the ground. Thus, for the maximum allowable coverage ratio of 50%, the largest building footprint allowed for many 100 m 2 would be 50 m 2 . The ratio of floor area is the total floor area of ​​the house (excluding the roof and basement) compared to the area of ​​the house built above; for a maximum FAR of 150%, the total total floor area for a house built above 100 m 2 would be 150 m 2 . The two maximum values ​​vary according to the location of the land and the width of the road facing, with more areas constructed with wider roads generally allowing the maximum floor space is greater, and the scope of the building is determined by factors such as the front, the road nearby , and construction materials. In addition, the number of floors in the structure can be limited, to avoid excessive light clogging to neighboring properties.
The taxable value of a house is controlled by its building materials. Wooden houses are considered to have a lifespan of twenty years, and the concrete has a life span of thirty years, and the price is depreciated each year in opposition to the housing market in other countries. Most real estate agents also use this price policy as a rough guide. Although there are still some 100-year-old wooden houses with thatched roofs and concrete buildings well above the 30 year depreciation price, the taxes are based on the above method.
Many young Japanese adults choose to live with their parents, rather than looking for a separate residence, a phenomenon known as a single parasite (?????????). A 1998 survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare shows that about 60% of single Japanese men and 80% single women between the ages of 20 and 34 live with their parents.
After marriage, the young couple often live in the same house as their parents. The desire for some separation between generations has led to the phenomenon of nisedaij? Taku ( ????? ) , literally "two generational housing", one house containing two complete separate living spaces , one for parents and one for the younger generation.
In contrast, in large metropolitan areas in Japan, it is not unusual for young couples to live together in an apartment before they get married.
Traditionally, parents also continue to live with their children rather than being put into the home for the elderly. Responsibility for parents usually falls to the eldest son or atotsugi ( ??? ) . The number of home-based parents has led to a huge demand for care products for home use, as well as so-called "free barrier" housing, which contains fewer steps and barriers for parents.
Sharing apartments between strangers is rare in Japan, most single people prefer to live in small individual apartments. However, in recent years, as Japan is undergoing demographic and socioeconomic changes, it becomes more common for young people to share apartments. The design of the apartment is many and varied. The older pattern for single occupancy is a long thin box-shaped apartment, with a kitchen and bathroom area located near the genkan and a bedroom/bedroom at opposite ends where a small balcony can be found.
Japanese companies and organizations often send their male employees to various locations throughout Japan. It is not always possible or desirable for all family units to move near new employee work locations. In this case, small apartments are rented by married men who then go to the family home every weekend, every two weeks or once a month depending on distance and company policy.
Home ownership
Due to the high cost of housing in major Japanese cities, many urban families and individuals rent apartments rather than own their own homes. In 2003, less than half of Tokyo's living units were owned by the population. On the other hand, rural areas tend to have a much higher level of ownership. The highest rate in the country is Toyama Prefecture, with about 80% of all living units owned by the population.
The living space of homes and condominiums is larger than apartments. The average size of residence that is owned in Japan is 121.7 m 2 (36.8 tsubo; 1.310Ã, sqÃ, ft). It varies greatly between large urban areas (Tokyo: 91.0 m 2 or 27.5 tsubo or 980Ã, sqÃ, ft) and rural areas (Toyama Prefecture: 178.4m 2 or 54.0 tsubo or 1,920Ã, sqÃ, ft). The area of ​​homes advertised for sale or rent is usually registered in Japanese units tsubo (?), Which is approximately two tatami mats (3.3 m 2 or 36Ã, sqà , Ft). On a home diagram, the size of individual rooms is usually measured in tatami, as described above in the interior design section.
In recent years, condos/mansions have become increasingly popular. Compared to 1983, when 64% of the homes owned were single-family residences, and only 27% of condos, the latest statistics show that the latter accounted for about 40% of the current category.
As the house ages, the owner replaces it. The general pattern is rebuilding on the same site. To achieve this, the residents moved into temporary residences. A contractor destroys old structures and builds a new one on the grounds. Residents can then return to the location. Having not moved, they enjoy the convenience of maintaining the same address, phone number and utility account, and avoiding the cost of purchasing new land. Due to the relatively short construction of timber and the life of Japanese homes, this is often considered cheaper than maintaining the old structure.
Rent of houses and apartments
To rent an apartment in Japan, prospective tenants visit a real estate agent located in each neighborhood and browse through a copy of the apartment for rent. It usually has an apartment layout for rent and a fee to rent this apartment. If a prospective tenant is interested in a particular apartment, the agent contacts the owner to see if the apartment is still available and whether the visit can be arranged. Typically, the tenant can not rent an apartment by himself, but must have a guarantor who promises to pay the rent if problems arise.
Traditionally, Japanese landlords collect damage and "key money" deposits before tenants take shelter, and real estate agents also pay a month's rent for the services provided. The key money is a non-refundable payment to the owner. In big cities like Tokyo and Osaka, key money is often the main investment: rent for up to six months in most cases. In recent years many landlords have begun to demand smaller amounts of money, equal to rent of two or three months or none at all. An apartment industry without deposits, called monthly homes and weekly homes , also grew in big cities: generally impose higher rental rates than traditional rents, and may offer some stylish hotel amenities such as linen service.
In Tokyo, a typical rental agreement is for one year. Each year, this agreement is renegotiated, and the tenant pays the additional month's rent as a fee. But in many other cities, a one-year agreement is considered only as a minimum length of stay, and rentals are usually unchanged for years. However, as buildings get older and more repairs are needed, or when government tax rates rise, rent increases sometimes occur.
Guest house
Foreigners in Japan renting their own apartments often face discrimination from real estate agents or landlords who refuse to hire to foreigners. Some agents will explain to strangers directly that it is difficult to rent them. Finding a guarantor is also difficult for many foreigners. Staying at the Guest House is one way to avoid this problem. Sometimes referred to as "Rumah Gaijin" (meaning house of strangers), Guest House comes in various shapes and sizes. They are designed to provide short-term accommodation at a reasonable price with little hassle. Usually intended for foreign visitors, they are becoming increasingly popular with Japanese youth who want to break up with the tradition of living with parents until, and sometimes after, marriage. While deposits are paid in many cases, they tend to be low and the famous Japanese key money is not charged for this property. A guest house will provide one bedroom for sleeping, a shared kitchen and a shared bathroom. Facilities such as washing machines are usually operated with coins, but due to intense competition, many landlords try to provide as many free utilities as possible; free internet is almost given in Tokyo today. Usually, foreigners and Japanese find it more difficult to find a guest house and have chosen a small apartment: "apaato".
Housing company
Many Japanese companies also maintain their own apartment building (called shataku ) where young employees stay when they start work. Sometimes, my shataku is near a corporate office building. In other cases, the company may not have its own apartment complex, but has an exclusive lease on one or more independent apartment buildings. In 2003, there were almost 1.5 million units of shataku in Japan.
Depending on company policy, some shataku are single rooms and are only available for one person while other companies offer larger multi-room complexes available to married couples as well. Likewise, there may or may not be the maximum duration you can rent my shirt, but it also depends on company policy. Some offer room until the employee gets married, others will only offer it for the first 3, 4, 5 years or more work. This varies from company to company.
Traditional housing
Historically, ordinary people usually live in free-standing houses, now known as minka , or, especially in cities, at machiya or - a compartment called Nagaya (??). Examples are still visible in Kyoto. Additional dwelling patterns include samurai residences, rich farmer houses (such as village heads), and Buddhist temple residences.
Wood is the material of choice for structure, while the roof can be straw, pine bark, tile, or bare wood. The raised floors are made of wood, and may be covered with straw mats in some places. The kitchen usually has a ground floor.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare reported in 2003 that Japan had 25,296 homeless. Osaka, Tokyo and Aichi are prefectures with the highest homeless populations, while Osaka city, 23 Tokyo-specific neighborhoods, and Nagoya city have 1750 or more (no other city has 850). The ministry found that about 41% lived in urban parks and 23% along the river banks; roads and railway stations also have significant numbers.
Further reading
- Edward S. Morse (1838-1925): Japanese and surrounding homes , published by Charles E. Tuttle, ISBNÃ, 0-8048-0998-4
- Sven Ingmar Thies: Japanese rooms - The intimate interiors of Japanese life in Tokyo, Berlin, New York, Shanghai and Vienna, Berlin: Schwarzerfreitag (publ.) 2007, ISBN 978-3- 937623 -90-0
- Ann Waswo: Housing in Japan Postwar: Social History . London: Routledge, 2002, ISBNÃ, 0-7007-1517-7
- Koji Yagi (text), Ryo Hata (photo): Japanese Touch For Your Home . Kodansha International, Tokyo, New York, London 1999 (Pbck.), ISBNÃ, 4-7700-1662-X
External links
- Housing Construction Statistics - Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, updated November 10, 2005.
- Japan (See 'Settlement' section)
- Japan National Space - Minka (Traditional Japanese Housing)
- JAANUS Japanese Architecture and the Net Art User System
- [1] Landlord-Tenant Relationships and Laws
- Nihon Minka-en in Kawasaki, Kanagawa is a collection of traditional Japanese language minka .
- "Recent controversial controversial sleeping provisions in Japan" Information about homeless in Japan (pdf)
Source of the article : Wikipedia