Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

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How Net Metering works in India? - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Net measurements (or net energy measurements , NEM ) allow consumers who generate some or all of their own electricity to use the electricity at any time, generated. This is very important with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, which can not be worked (if not combined to storage). Monthly net measurements allow consumers to use solar power generated during the day at night, or wind from a windy day at the end of the month. The yearly net metering rolls the net kilowatt credit to the next month, allowing solar power generated in July to be used in December, or wind power from March in August.

The net measurement policy can vary significantly by country and by state or province: if net measurements are available, if and how long the bank credit can be maintained, and what the credit score is (retail/wholesale). Most of the net measurement laws involve monthly credit turnover of kWh, small monthly connection fees, requiring monthly payments of deficit (ie normal electricity bills), and annual settlement of any residual credits. Unlike feed-in tariff (FIT), which requires two meters, the net measurement uses a single bi-directional gauge and can measure the current flowing in both directions. Net measurements can be applied only as an accounting procedure, and do not require a special meter, or even prior arrangements or notices.

Net measurements are enabling policies designed to encourage private investment in renewable energy.

Video Net metering


Net measurements come from the United States, where small wind turbines and solar panels are connected to the power grid, and consumers want to be able to use the electricity generated at different times or dates from when it was created. Minnesota is generally cited as passing the first net measurement law, in 1983, and lets anyone generate less than 40 kW either to roll over each kilowatt of credit to the next month, or get paid for the excess. In 2000 this was converted into compensation "at the average retail utility energy level." This is the simplest and most common clean metering interpretation, and additionally allows small producers to sell electricity at the retail level.

Utilities in Idaho adopted net measurements in 1980, and in Arizona in 1981. Massachusetts adopted a net measurement in 1982. In 1998, 22 states or utilities there have adopted net measurements. Two California utilities initially adopted a monthly "net metering" fee, which included "standby fees," until PUC prohibited those fees. In 2005, all US utilities were required to offer net measurements "upon request." Excess generation is not discussed. By 2018 43 US states have adopted net measurements, as well as utilities in 3 of the remaining countries, leaving only 4 countries without established procedures for implementing net measurements. However, a 2017 study shows that only 3% of US utilities are offering full retail compensation for net measurements with the rest offering less than retail levels, having expired credits annually, or some form of unlimited rollover.

Net measurements are slow to adopt in Europe, especially in the UK, due to confusion about how to handle value added tax (VAT). Only one utility company in the UK offers net measurements.

The British Government is reluctant to introduce the net measurement principle because of complications in paying and returning value added taxes paid on electricity, but pilot projects are underway in some areas.

In Canada, some provinces have a net measurement program.

In the Philippines, the Net Metering scheme is governed by Republic Act 9513 (Renewable Energy Act of 2008) and implements rules and regulations (IRR). The implementing body is the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) in consultation with the National Renewable Energy Council (NREB). Unfortunately, this scheme is not a real net measurement scheme but in reality a clean billing scheme. As a Clean Meter guidelines Dept of Energy says, "

"Net measurements enable Utility Distribution (DU) customers to install Renewable Energy on Site (RE) facilities not to exceed 100 kilowatts (kW) in capacity so they can generate electricity for their own use Any electricity generated that is not consumed by customers automatically exported to the DU distribution system.DU then gives peso credit for the received electricity equivalent to the cost of mixed DU generation, excluding other generational adjustments, and subtracting the credits earned to the customer's electricity bill. "

Thus, Philippine consumers who generate their own electricity and sell their surplus to utilities are paid so-called "generating costs" that are often less than 50% of the retail price of electricity.

Maps Net metering


Net measurement is still controversial because it affects various interests on the grid. A report prepared by Peter Kind of Energy Infrastructure Advocate for the trade association Edison Electric Institute states that distributed generation systems, such as solar roofs, present unique challenges to the future of electric utilities. Utilities in the United States have led a campaign that largely failed to eliminate clean metering

Small scale viewpoint

Renewable support suggests that while solar distribution and other energy efficiency measures pose challenges to existing business models in electric utilities, the benefits of distributed generation outweigh the costs, and those benefits are shared by all taxpayers. The benefits of a private distributed solar investment grid include reducing the need to centralize power generation and reduce strain on utility networks. They also point out that, as a grounding policy that enables the growth of the solar roof, net metering creates a number of social benefits for all taxpayers that are generally not accounted for by utility analysis, including: public health benefits, employment and downstream economic effects, market price impacts, network, and water savings.

An independent report by a consulting firm Crossborder Energy found that the benefits of the California clean measurement program outweigh the costs for taxpayers. The net benefits will amount to more than US $ 92 million per year following the completion of the current net measurement program.

The 2012 report on net measurement fees in the State of California, commissioned by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), indicates that customers without a distributed generation system will pay US $ 287 in additional costs to use and maintain networks annually by 2020. This report also shows the net cost will amount to US $ 1.1 billion by 2020. In particular, the same report found that solar customers pay more on their power bills than the cost of utilities to serve them (Table 5, page 10: average 103 % of the cost of their services in three major utilities by 2011).

Large scale viewpoint

Many power companies claim that the owners of the generating system do not pay for the entire service charge to use the grid, thus diverting their share of the costs to customers without a distributed generating system. Most solar roof owners or other types of distributed generating systems still rely on the grid to receive electricity from utilities at night or when their systems can not generate enough power.

A 2014 report funded by the Institute for Electric Innovation claims that net measurements in California result in too much subsidies for public housing solar PV facilities. This subsidy should then be paid by other residential customers, most of which are less prosperous than the roof PV customers. In addition, the report indicates that most of these large subsidies go to diesel rental companies, which account for about 75 percent of solar PV facilities installed in 2013. The report concludes that changes are needed in California, starting from the adoption of more costly retail tariffs -reflective to replace net metering with a separate "Buy All-Sell All" arrangement that requires all solar PV roof customers to purchase all the energy they consume under their existing retail tariffs and separately sell all their onsite generations to their distribution utility at a cost which each utility avoids.

What Is Net Metering, and How Does It Work? - NC Solar Now
src: ncsolarnow.com


There is a lot of confusion between the terms "net measurement" and "entry fee". In general there are three types of compensation for local and distributed production:

Feed-in tariff (FIT)
Which is generally above retail, and decreases to retail as the percentage of adopters increases.
Net measurement
Always in retail, and that is not technically compensated, though that could be compensated if there is a surplus of generations and payments are allowed by the utility.
Power purchase agreement
Compensation generally under retail, also known as the "Standard Offering Program," and can be above retail, especially in the case of the sun, which tends to be generated near peak demand.

Net measurement takes only one meter. The feed-in rate requires two.

Lipikas Publications â€
src: germipower.files.wordpress.com

Usage measurement time

Usage time ( TOU ) net measurements using a programmable (smart) power meter to determine electricity usage at any time during the day. Usage times allow utility tariffs and fees to be assessed based on when electricity is used (ie, day/night and seasonal rates). Usually the highest electricity generation costs during peak day use periods, and the lowest at night. Metering time is a significant problem for renewable energy sources, because, for example, solar systems tend to generate energy during peak daylight periods, and produce little or no power during the night period, when prices are low. Italy has installed so many photovoltaic cells that peak no longer during the day, but instead at night. The TOU clean measurement affects the net net measurement cost of a utility.

src: www.michigan.gov

Market-level net measurement

In the market net rate measurement system, the user's energy usage is dynamically valued according to some wholesale electricity pricing functions. The user meter is programmed remotely to calculate its value and read remotely. Net measurements use variable pricing for the excess power generated by the qualifying system.

The market-level measurement system implemented in California began in 2006, and under the terms of California's net measurement rules will apply to qualified photovoltaic and wind systems. Under California law, the return of excess electricity delivered to the network must be equal to the price (variable, in this case) imposed at that time.

Net measurements allow small systems to produce zero annual net cost to consumers as long as the consumer is able to divert the demand load to a lower price time, such as by cooling water at low cost for later use in the air conditioner, or by charging an electric vehicle for duration at outside of peak hours, while electricity generated during peak demand can be sent to the network instead of being used locally (see Vehicle-to-grid). No credits are granted for annual surplus production.

Net Metering | Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro
src: nlhydro.com

Excess generation

Excess generation is a separate issue of net measurement, but is usually discussed in the same rules, as it may arise. If the local generation offsets part of the demand, net measurements are not used. If the local generation exceeds demand some time, for example during the day, net measurements are used. If the local generation exceeds demand for the billing cycle, best practices demand the overthrow of kilowatt credit, although some regions have considered having a kilowatt credit expiring after 36 months. The normal definition of surplus generation is every year, although this same term applies every month. The treatment of the annual (and monthly) surpluses ranges from lost to compensation to avoided costs, to compensation at the retail level. The left kilowatt credit at the time of termination of the service would ideally be paid at the retail level, from the consumer's point of view, and disappear, from the utility point of view, at a minimum avoidable compromise cost. Some areas allow optional payments for the annual surplus generation, which allows ongoing payments or payments, on customer choice. The wind and the sun are basically seasonal, and it is possible to use surpluses later, unless more solar panels or larger wind turbines have been installed than needed.

src: i.ytimg.com

Energy storage

The net measurement system can have integrated energy storage, to store a portion of local power (ie from a renewable energy source connected to the system) rather than selling everything back to the main power grid. Often, the battery used is an industrial cycle battery because it lasts for 10 to 20 years. Lead-acid batteries are often still used, but last longer (5 years or more). Lithium-ion batteries are sometimes also used, but also have a relatively short lifespan. Finally, the nickel-iron battery lasts the longest with a lifespan of up to 40 years. A study of solar panels in 2017 with battery storage shows 8 to 14 percent extra power consumption from charging and discharging batteries.

Net metering | meeco
src: www.meeco.net

Adoption by country


In some Australian states, "feed-in tariff" is actually a net measurement, except that monthly payments for the net generation are at a higher rate than retail, with Victoria Wakeham's Campaign Director Victoria called it a "fake entry fee." The feed-in rate requires a separate meter, and pays for all local generations at a preferential rate, while net measurements only require one meter. The financial difference is huge.

In Victoria, starting in 2009, homeowners are paid 60 cents for every excess kilowatt hour of energy put back into the state power grid. This is about three times the retail price for electricity at that time. However, subsequent state governments reduce feed-in in some updates, until in 2016 the feed-in is as low as 5 cents per kilowatt hour.

In Queensland beginning in 2008, the Sun Bonus Scheme pays 44 cents for every excess kilowatt hour of energy put back into the country's power grid. This is about three times the current retail price of electricity. However, from 2012, the food tariff in Queensland has been reduced to 6-10 cents per kilowatt hour depending on which electrical retailer customers are applying.


Ontario allows a net measurement of up to 500 kW, but credit can only be made for 12 consecutive months. If consumers make credit where they generate more than they consume for 8 months and use credit at month 10, then the 12 month period starts again from the next credit date shown on the invoice. The remaining unused credits at the end of 12 consecutive months from consumers who are in credit situation are removed at the end of the charge.

The British Columbia area served by BC Hydro allowed a net measurement of up to 50 kW. At each annual warning, the customer is paid 8.16 cents per KWh, if there is a net power export after each 12 month period, which increases to 9.99 cents/kWh, effective June 1, 2012. Systems above 50 kW are covered under the Bidding Program Stand up. FortisBC that serves the area in South Central BC also allows a net-measurement of up to 50 kW. Customers are paid their existing retail level for every net energy they generate. The city of New Westminster, which has its own electric utility, does not currently allow cleaner measurements.

New Brunswick allows cleaner measurements for installations of up to 100 kW. Credits from excess power generated can be made until March where any excess credit is lost.

SaskPower allows cleaner measurements for installations of up to 100 kW. The credit from the excess power generated may be made up to the annual annual date of the customer, at which point any excess credit is lost.

In Nova Scotia, by 2015, 43 residences and businesses started using solar panels for electricity. By 2017, the number reached 133. The solar system of this customer is measured net. The excess power generated by the solar panels is resold from the homeowner to Nova Scotia Power at the same rate that the utility sells it to its customers. "The downside for Nova Scotia Power is that it has to retain the capacity to generate electricity even when it's not bright."

European Union

Denmark established a net-measurement for a private PV system in mid-1998 for a four-year trial period. In 2002 the net-metering scheme was extended four years to the end of 2006. Net measurements have proven to be a cheap, manageable and effective way to stimulate the deployment of PV in Denmark; However, the relatively short period of time the arrangement has so far prevented it from reaching its full potential. During political negotiations in the fall of 2005, net measurements for private-owned PV systems were made permanent.

The Netherlands has a net-meter since 2004. Initially there was a limit of 3000kWh per year. Then this limit is increased to 5000kWh. The limit was deleted entirely on January 1, 2014.

Italy offers a well-segmented net-metering and premium segment of FiT.

Slovenia has an annual net measurement from January 2016 to 11 kVA. In one calendar year up to 10 MVA can be installed in the country.

In 2010, Spain, net-metering has been proposed by ASIF to promote renewable electricity, without requiring additional economic support, but net-metering for privately-owned systems is not yet well established.

Some form of net measurement is now proposed by ÃÆ' â € ° lectricitÃÆ'Â © de France . According to their website, the energy produced by the homeowner is purchased at a higher price than the one charged as a consumer. Therefore, some recommend to sell all the energy generated, and buy back all the energy needed at a lower price. Price has been set for 20 years by the government.


The Indian state of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have begun implementing net measurements, and the policy has been announced by the state electric board in 2014. The feasibility study will be conducted by an electric board, and after meter inspection will be replaced in two directions. one and will be installed. Applications are taken up to 30% of the capacity of distribution transformers based on first come, first served and technical feasibility.

Since September 2015 the state of Maharashtra (MERC) has released the Net Metering policy and consumers have initiated the installation of the Rooftop Grid Tie Netmetering Solar system. Reference: http://www.mahadiscom.com/SolarRoofTopNetMetering.shtm The MERC policy allows up to 40% of the transformer capacity to use Solar net measurements.

Various DISCOM in Maharashtra ie MSEDCL, Tata, Reliance, and Torrent Power are expected to support Net Metering.

Until now MSEDCL has not used TOD (Time Of The Day differential) charging rates for residential consumers and net gauges. So the Export and Import units are considered equivalent to calculate the Net Unit and the bill amount.

United States

Clean meters pioneered in the United States as a way to allow the sun and wind to provide electricity whenever available and allow for the use of electricity whenever needed, starting with utilities in Idaho in 1980, and in Arizona in 1981. In 1983, Minnesota passed the first country net measurement law. In March 2015, 44 states and Washington, D.C. has developed mandatory net measurement rules for at least some utilities. However, despite clear state rules some utilities actually compensate at full retail levels.

The net measurement policy is determined by the state, which has established policies that vary on a number of key dimensions. The 2005 Energy Policy Act requires state electricity regulators to "consider" (but not necessarily apply) rules mandating public utility power available upon net metering requests to their customers. Several legislative laws have been proposed to set federal standards limits on net measurements. Starting from HR 729, which sets a net measurement limit of 2% of the expected peak estimated customer demand, up to HR 1945 which has no aggregate limits, but limits residential users to 10 kW, lower limit compared to many countries, such as New Mexico, with limit of 80,000 kW, or countries such as Arizona, Colorado, New Jersey, and Ohio that limit as a percentage of the load.

Arizona, California, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia are considered the most profitable states for net measurement, since they are just stated to receive the "A" rating from Freeing the Grid in 2015.

Regulators in various countries act as "referees" in debates between utility companies and proponents of distributed resources, such as solar panel panels. In 2016, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissions (NARUC) publishes Manual on Distributed Energy Resources Compensation as a way to help countries decide on tariff structures related to homes and businesses that generate their own power and send excess power back to the power grid. The purpose behind this manual is to "provide a consistent framework for evaluating design level decisions in the age of distributed energy resources." The President of NARUC, when he commissioned the manual, said that the instructions to the organizing committee were to write "the practical, expert, and most importantly ideologically neutral guide that offers advice" to the states. This draft manual was released in July, generating over 70 public comments from various stakeholder groups. The comments are reviewed, and the final version of the manual is designed. The updated manual covers a variety of issues that the state regulator has struggled with including clean metering, solar energy values, and cost shifts from DER to non-DER customers. DER is being integrated into the national network very quickly, and power generation, delivery and utilization systems are constantly changing with new technology.

The Edison Electric Institute and the Solar Energy Industry Association support this manual. However, the main point of contention between utility companies and the solar industry is the question of whether distributed generation systems represent the shifting costs of those with systems (those with solar panels) to them without them (everyone using electricity).

Phil Moeller of Edison Electric Institute said, "We want DER [distributed energy resources] but we want to ensure the right tariff structure to minimize cost shifts." Moeller is a former member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), a governing body of the federal government. Sean Gallaher of the Solar Energy Industry Association said, "There seems to be a perception that earnings erosion from DER results in insufficient cost recovery for utilities and therefore there is a shift in costs to customers who are not participating.You can not just assume that."

The home-based net meter in the United States "has a very low adoption rate" in 2017, with the leader, California, having an adoption rate of 0.77%.

Note: Some additional minor variations not listed in this table may apply. N/A = Not available. Lost = Excess of unpublished electricity or credit credits granted for utilities. Retail rate = final sale price of electricity. Avoid-cost = "Wholesale" price of electricity (charge for utilities).
* = Depends on the utility.
** = Massachusetts differentiates policies for different system "classes".
*** = Only available to Austin Energy, CPS Energy, or Green Mountain Energy customers (Green Mountain Energy is not a utility but a retail power provider, according to www.powertochoose.com).



By 2016, the Arkansas state law enacts Law 827, which directs the Arkansas Public Service Commission to review changes to the country's net measurement system. In March 2017, the regulator decided to "leverage existing solar customers into retail net rates for the next 20 years." Another decision made by the commission will allow the original metered tariff to stay with the house if it is sold. According to Utility Dive, "There are relatively few solar customers in Arkansas, and advocates of alarming change in the next part of the process can slow market growth if regulators make deep cuts on wage rates."

In Arkansas, in early 2017, state regulators voted to current solar customers to current retail tariff meter tariffs until 2037. The Arkansas Public Service Commission conducted a working group to look at the costs and benefits of net measurements; the working group is divided on the ideological line and each of the two subgroups proposes their own set of recommendations rather than having an integrated position. The first subgroup, which consists of advanced conservation and energy groups, does not want a change in the country's net measurement level. The second subgroup, which consists of public utilities, wants to have an inherent cost service approach that will determine the costs and benefits associated with that measurement. Entergy is part of the second subgroup and says "the current net-measurement policy that credits excess production at full retail levels should be changed for new net-metering customers."

The second group "believes that crediting net-metering customers for unavoidable costs 'means that the utility does not recover all service costs for every net-metering customer, net of measurable benefits. ' "


By the end of 2015, three utilities in California proposed an alternative method of compensation to solar users for excess energy being recycled back to the grid. It follows new regulations on solar net measurement policy. In December 2015, a policy that will protect the retail net meter for solar roof consumers is proposed by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). When asked for their comments, the utility responded with a lower remuneration rate for solar consumers in exchange for contributing to network maintenance costs.

In an effort to build fairness and balance between installers and solar utilities, CPUC proposes to proceed with net net rate measurement with minimal changes to solar roof customers in California. According to the Los Angeles Times, solar energy proponents gathered at the hearing at CPUC vowed to "clean up" the net measurements and complicate the proposed new utility policy. The California company is not satisfied with the proposal. According to San Diego Gas & amp; Electricity, the proposal does not address the "greater cost burden" on their customers, which is estimated at $ 100 per month or, collectively, $ 160 million per year.

Proposals are set by companies that offer to charge their residential and commercial net customer tax "applicable tariffs" for the kWh of electricity used from the grid. A fixed export compensation rate for the energy exported over a 10-year period will also apply. The export rate will amount to $ 0.15/kWh for installation until the power distributed exceeds 7% of utility customer demand. Furthermore, the rate will fall to $ 0.13/kWh.

Throughout 2017, California implemented "Net Metering 2.0" in which compensation to solar customers approached retail prices. The policy also removes the usage time (TOU) rates for residential customers. In addition, prices are updated to reflect "conditions in the California grid."

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approves new TOU tariffs for San Diego Gas & amp; Electric Company and move the beginning of the peak period until 4 pm (four hours longer than before the change). The Solar Energy Industry Association believes that the new top level is too late on that day.

In October 2017, CPUC extended the grandfathering period for many distributed PV systems to the old level and eliminated the completion deadlines for "qualified PV systems." Grandfather tariffs will last five years for residential customers and 10 years for other customers.


In early 2016, lawmakers in Florida, with encouragement from both houses, voted to put the 4th Amendment on the ballot. In the circumstances that are currently faced with various renewable energy issues, the idea of ​​stopping private property tax on solar panels is widely supported. One of the sponsors of the bill in favor of Amendment 4, State Senator Jeff Brandes (R), said that the decision will help in the development of renewable energy and solar energy across the state and lead to the creation of thousands of job opportunities.

On August 30, 2016, a proposition that will dispose of property taxes on commercial and industrial solar panels is approved by Florida voters. Initiatives to revitalize renewable energy efforts garner extraordinary bipartisan support. According to Florida Politics , on August 30, 2016, the 4th Amendment garnered nearly 75 percent of the votes cast, exceeding the required minimum 60 percent. The ongoing debate on solar energy remains a major issue, with utility-backed policies expected to face oversight and resistance.


The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission eliminates the net retail measurement in 2015. When that happens, it replaces the net meter with "Customer Network Supply" (CGS) and the "Customer Self Supply" (CSS) option. Since the abolition of net measurements by 2015, Hawaii regulators have limited the number of solar customers who can send their excess energy back to the grid. The customer is in the CGS program. Other customers in the CSS option use energy storage housing instead of sending their energy back to the grid.


Around 1,400 people in Idaho are listed on a net meter. Most of these customers use the solar system on the roof. Idaho Power says that current net measurement systems are not made to account for homeowners who install their own solar panels, and thus, traditional electricity customers are "forced to make budget shortfalls."

In 2017 Idaho Power was asked to create a new customer class starting January 1, 2018. Thus, Idaho Power can introduce the possibility of raising interest rates for new-class customers, more than what they currently pay to access the state power grid and buy electricity when Their own solar panels do not generate electricity. The Public Utilities Commission of Idaho said that they will hold a hearing in March 2018 before coming to a decision at the request of Idaho Power.


In Indiana, solar energy makes up less than one percent of the country's energy consumption. In Indianapolis, for example, Indianapolis Power & amp; Light has about 100 solar customers.

In February 2017, the state Senate was approved by a 39-9 Senate Bill 309 vote that will replay the net measurements in Indiana. The bill "will ultimately reduce the rate paid to customers net measurements from the retail level to the marginal cost of utilities, plus 25%." People who already use solar power with a net meter will be grandfather for ten years at current rates. The Sierra Club's "Beyond Coal" campaign runs a radio advertising campaign against the bill.

In April 2017, the State House issued its own version.

By 2018, the new net measurement law "limits the net measurement benefits, but anyone with solar panels installed before January 1, 2018, can secure credit for 30 years.After this date, the credit will be safe for 15 years."

In January 2018, dozens of homeowners associations in central Indiana installed a barrier for residential solar installations, according to the Indianapolis Star. "With hundreds of Home Owners' Associations only in Central Indiana, a review shows that as many as half do not allow panels at all while others have weak or limiting language that leaves the architecture review committee to make decisions without objective criteria."


In early 2018, a bill was proposed in the Kentucky Legislature that could dramatically alter net measurements within the state. House Bill 227 will reduce the credit earned by solar roof owners when they send electricity back to the grid by 65 percent.

HB 227 moves across the legislature. Tyler White, president of the Kentucky Coal Association, who backed the bill, said that net measurements are vital to renewable energy subsidies. The reason is that only a few people (who are without diesel) pay to maintain the power grid, while others (which do not have solar systems), despite the fact that everyone is using a grid. According to White, "Germany has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on diesel and wind, but they only provide 3 percent of its total energy, the average German pays 3 times more for electricity than the average American." In Kentucky, there are more than 2.2 million utility customers; there are less than 1,000 private meter net customers, and half of them are located in Lexington and Louisville. White reasoned that a vote in favor of HB 227 was "voting to ensure the Eastern Kentucky people do not pay more on their utility bills to fund private solar growth for the rich at Lexington and Louisville."

In March 2018, Kentucky lawmakers "continue to wrestle with plans to sharply reduce the number of utilities that pay customers who sell excess solar power to their local utilities." The bill is approved by the Natural Resources and Energy Committee of the House but has not been debated or elected at the Kentucky House of Representatives. According to Energy Insider Daily , "The main question is whether, under the current state net measurement laws, most taxpayers subsidize regional network maintenance costs for relatively few customers with the solar energy system connected to it. "

In Kentucky, homeowners with a solar roof sell their surplus electricity back to utility companies at the retail level (utility tariffs cost customers, not utility-purchasing power levels).


In Maine, two major issues concerning retail level and net measurement programs are how to handle CMPs that reach 1 percent of peak load measuring caps and real solar values. Alliance for Solar Choice states that they would prefer to see the net measurements remain intact until such policies generate solar growth.

By 2016, solar companies and major utility companies come to legislative agreements on net measurement issues. Both sides say their deal may increase solar power in Maine "tenfold in five years." In response, some national solar companies pay lobbyists to travel to Maine and try to persuade state legislators to stop the deal. The law will replace net measurements with a concept called "next measurement." Under subsequent measurements, the regulator will set tariffs that utilities pay residential solar customers to the customer's excess energy. (Under normal net measurements, utilities will pay wholesale rates). This law includes the grandfather clause for existing solar customers.

Maine is considering changing the cleaner meter energy billing rules. On September 13, 2016, the Maine Utilities Commission proposed a new regulation, and then held a public hearing on 17 October. The proposal will consider amending the clean metering billing rules and is expected to be completed by early 2017.

In the Maine parliament, Assistant Majority Leader Sara Gideon (D-Freeport) introduced a new law to increase Solar's folding industry and implement a market-based program, replacing current net measurement policy. In 2015-2016 in Maine, a group of environmental activists, consumer representatives, solar installers, and utilities submitted a bill in the state legislature suggesting a net meter replacement with a market-based "pay for production" program. One of the provisions of the bill proposes that Central Maine Power (CMP) and Emera, Maine are two major utilities, building long-term contracts with utility developers and solar owners that allow them to purchase solar power plants. Furthermore, they will bid generations to the New England electric market. This arrangement can survive existing net metering customers for up to 12 years. Competitive price will be paid by the aggregator to compensate the owner's costs. In turn, the utility aggregator will utilize the return on sale.

In March 2017, state legislators at Maine State House and Senate began writing legislation that would maintain net retail measurements. The bill will make it temporary in the short run. As early as 2017, the Maine Utilities Public Commission approved a new limit that would ultimately eliminate net measurements, beginning in 2018. The House bill would "completely save net retail gauge." A group called Maine's Environmental Priority Coalition supports the law. The Senate bill will restore net metering, while regulators check "how sophisticated meters can help better determine the cost and benefits of the solar roof." The solar industry supports the bill. In February 2017, a group called the Maine Natural Resources Council "vowed to keep fighting new net metering restrictions."

In December 2017, the Maine Utilities Commission decided to postpone the adoption of a new state of the solar rule, which would phase down the compensation netization for roof solar customers. Net measurement supporters, led by the Legal Conservation Foundation, filed a lawsuit to overturn the PUC decision. The Supreme Judicial Court of Maine prepares to hear arguments in this case on 13 December 2017.

Maine's legislative body tried to reverse the direction set by PUC by passing the bill to roll back PUC's decision to phase down net metering. The bill was passed legislatively but was vetoed by Governor Paul LePage.


In January 2018, the Massachusetts Department of Utilities (DPU) approved a cost request for Eversource's subscriber net metering utility. DPU also eliminates the optional time-level usage for residential customers. Among renewable and clean energy advocates, demand demands "are highly controversial." The DPU's decision has set the stage for intense debate about level design. Eversource believes that they face a "lost distribution revenue" of more than $ 8 million per year that should be collected from customers as measured by the internet. The DPU agreed, saying "the company has shown a shift in costs from net measurement to non-clean metering customers by identifying the costs directly imposed by net measurement facilities on distribution systems."


In January 2018, Michigan plans to change its net measurement program. The plan has been met with resistance from solar supporters who fear that the new program will "slow the roof industry to a crawl in the state." Michigan Public Services Commission reports that the number of solar installed increases from 361 MW by the end of 2015 to 580 MW by 2016. It projected that when the 2017 figure comes in, that figure will grow to 1.2 GW. Currently, utilities pay retail tariffs back to Michigan solar customers for the excess electricity they generate and resell to the grid.

In January 2018, officials in Ann Arbor, Michigan, alter the local zoning rules to ban the ground-mounted solar panels on the front yard, for public safety reasons.


In spring 2016, the city of Mt. Vernon, Missouri created a local net measurement program. The aldermen local council passed a May 16, 2016 move allowing residents and businesses to propose "generate their own electricity while staying connected to Mt. Vernon's power grid." The council took this issue after the townspeople asked about regulations regarding the installation of their own solar panels. City programs will allow net measurements, but consumers will have to pay for their own equipment including bi-directional meters. Participants will pay electricity from the city at a regular rate that will be paid by each other city's consumers. Participants who create excess power will receive credit on their utility bill, similar to what the city pays for electricity at wholesale tariffs from Imperial distributors.

In 2017, a bill is proposed at the State House (House Bill 340) which will grant utility companies permission to increase fixed costs for solar roof customers by up to 75 percent. The bill would also allow Missouri Public Service Commission to ask solar customers to maintain "reasonable or equivalent insurance liability amounts that respect the installation and operation of quality electric power generation units."

According to Utility Dive, the debate "reflects the measurement of net measurements taken in other countries."


In January 2017, the Interim Committee on Energy and Technology (ETIC) in the Montana legislature passed HB 52, a bill that sets the net tariffs to solar customers. The bill passed with unanimous support. The bill is supported by NorthWestern Energy; however, the second bill did not have much success. Bill HB 34 will raise the net measurement limit from 50 kW to 250 kW for government buildings.

In February 2017, a net measurement policy in Montana gave credit to energy bills for the energy generated that flowed back into the network for customers with wind, solar, or hydroelectric systems. The credit given to the customer is equivalent to the electrical retail level.

There are at least two bills in the state legislature that will change that level. Senate Bill 7, sponsored by Senator Pat Connell (R-Hamilton) will prohibit net measurement customers from being subsidized by other customers of utility companies. Senate Bill 78, sponsored by Sen. Keith Regier (R-Kalispell) will ask the Montana General Services Commission to create a separate tariff class for net measurement customers on January 1, 2018. Based on the bill, electricity generated by net measurement customers will be assessed at wholesale tariffs and net measurement customers to pay monthly service to help pay the fixed costs of public utility operations.


In Nebraska, "customer-renewable energy generation" can be incorporated under the state's statutory measurement system. However, the energy generated by many customers reaches a minimum of 25 kilowatts. Energy can be generated from various renewable sources including sun, wind, and water.


The state of Nevada implemented a net measurement in 1997. Until 2016, utility companies in Nevada pay retail tariffs to net meter consumers. Nevada companies pay customers an average of $ 623 per year in southern Nevada and $ 471 per year in northern Nevada. (The main utility company in Nevada is NV Energy.)

The Nevada legislature passed a law in 2015 that requires the Nevada Public Utilities Commission to study the structure of electricity tariffs and come up with ways to divert fees. In December 2015, the commission renewed the regulation so that utility companies would pay wholesale tariffs to net-net consumers.

Greenpeace and Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the US Senate, expressed opposition to the commission's decision. On February 8, 2016, during a commission hearing, three people with weapons tried to enter the trial. The security guard returned it. Individuals say they will return to the next commission hearing and will be armed.

On December 22, 2016, the Nevada General Utilities Commission unanimously decided to eliminate the previous tariff structure that prevailed in 2015, which contributed to the collapse of the roof of the Nevada solar industry. The decision allows the solar market of the country to be restored. The decision stipulated that tariffs would drop from 11 cents per kilowatt-hour to 2.6 cents, while monthly service fees increased from $ 12.75 to $ 38.51.

In June 2017, the legislature approved several bills intended to "increase access to clean energy, including actions aimed at increasing the value of the solar roof, while enhancing the country's renewable energy goals." According to the Utility DIVE, "Clean energy advocates praise some laws that will help reverse Nevada's image of being unfriendly to renewable energy."

The state Senate unanimously approved AB405. If signed into law, AB405 will increase the net tariff repayment fee paid by the utility company to a solar company on the roof; utility tariffs have to pay to buy back energy will be approaching "retail level" that paid utility customers, not the wholesale tariffs that utility companies pay to get electricity.

Vote Solar, a lobbying group started in 2002 and funded by the solar industry, lobbied Governor Brian Sandoval to pass legislation. (Vote Solar describes itself as an organization that "has worked to make solar affordable and accessible to more Americans.We work at state level across the country to support the policies and programs needed to reproduce our network with clean energy").

Sunrun and SolarCity, the companies that install solar panels on the roof, both leave the state after the Nevada Public Utilities Commission 2015 decision. However, both companies will return once AB405 is signed into law.

New Hampshire

In many countries, such as New Hampshire, solar and utility companies will come to the negotiating table with a compromise on net meter tariffs. In New Hampshire, proposals submitted by both solar companies and utility companies in March 2017 found much in common.

Both utility companies and solar companies in New Hampshire submitted proposals on the settlement of how customers will be compensated in the future for a distributed solar system. Proposals include changes in compensation rates for rooftop solar owners, set time-consuming pilot projects of time, and resume non-bypassable costs for solar customers. Solar companies propose to cut distribution credits by half by 2019; utility companies propose to eliminate credit completely.

Under the initial policy, solar customers on the roof can earn credit every year at a retail price of $ 0.17 per kilowatt hour in New Hampshire. Customers can "bank bank" and use it later. Utilities propose to eliminate these provisions, rather than credit customers for the excess energy they generate, along with transmission credits.

In March 2018, the New Hampshire Senate passed a bill that would let a larger electric generator be compensated for the excess electricity they put into the grid above what is used by the owner. Under current legislation, generators up to 1 megawatt are eligible for net measurements. The Senate proposal will raise the limit to allow projects up to 5 megawatts. "Although the net meter law often focuses on home roof installations, the bill is intended to provide incentives for developers to install larger systems, projects that can serve communities and large corporations.This will also include several hydroelectric projects small scale that already exists in the state. "

New Mexico

North Carolina

In June 2017, the North Carolina Representative Council took action on the bill, HB589. First, the bill will try to create a process for competitive bidding among solar developers. Secondly, it will create a solar rental program.

The bill was passed by voting 108-11. On June 8, the state Senate is expected to consider the bill next week, but the bill, according to news reports, will face a more difficult time to pass in the state Senate. Governor Roy Cooper says he supports the law.

According to the Utility DIVE , the Act proposes a competitive bidding process for independent solar developers who, according to lawmakers, will help to reduce costs by using market-driven solutions to develop renewable projects. will also create a Green Source Rider Program to enable large utility customers to control their energy purchases. "

The Federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act obliges utility companies to purchase renewable energy from independent power developers. HB589 will enable utility companies to work with state regulators to propose programs that will "acquire renewable energy at competitive prices." Utility companies will then be allowed to compete and bid on third-party energy developers. Duke Energy proposes size in 2016 that is similar to a bill (North Carolina's Utilities Commission declined the same measure in 2014).

In addition, the bill will create a program for leasing solar panels. The goal is to create a competitive market for installing renewable energy and encouraging the installation of more roofs and other solar energy projects. Utility companies will be allowed to propose changes to net meter tariffs upon completion of cost and benefit analyzes. Existing solar customers will be controlled below the original rate until January 2027.


Recently, it has become a popular trend for utilities in some states to dramatically increase their consumers' fixed costs to take into account the shift in costs created by more and more net metering customers who do not cover their share of the network maintenance costs, which, then, puts load to non-solar panel customers. The average increase in fixed costs is estimated at 20 percent.

In Ohio, American Electric Power (AEP) proposes more than double its fixed costs from $ 8.40 a month to $ 18.40 per month, affecting nearly 1.5 million customers to accommodate cost increases due to net measurements.

AEP is being investigated by the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUCO) for allegedly doubling their customers totaling $ 120 million to supposedly cover the fuel costs for one of their power plants in Lawerenceburg, Indiana and for two other power plants operated by Ohio Valley Electric Corp. Cost double will affect 67 percent or 1 million customers who have opted out of alternative suppliers. In 2014, PUCO enlisted outside companies to conduct audits that focused on their consumer costs. The findings concluded that the customer did pay more. At the same time, AEP gets reimbursed for their fuel costs twice in the period from 2013-2015.

The Ohio Consumer Council Office, under the auditor's advice, requested AEP to disclose additional records, which, in turn, were rejected by PUCO administrative judges, who agreed with AEP's position that their secrecy be protected until the audit process was completed. Pablo Vegas, president and chief operating officer of AEP Ohio, insisted at the time that tariffs were based on the true cost of operating the system, reinforcing the company's claim that no fraudulent action took place.

The decision by PUCO in November 2017 reduced the amount of credits that customers could receive for excess electricity being sold back to the power grid. This credit reduction applies to people whose system generates enough electricity to compensate for all of its use, and still have residual electricity. On January 10, 2018, PUCO held a public oral argument on this issue. Utilities and opponents "dig into one another over proposed changes", and the issue is likely to lead to the state Supreme Court. One of the more controversial parts limits the portion of the customer bill that can be offset by the generation of solar panels.

In a Republican or independent state poll that also says they are conservative, the Ohio Conservative Energy Forum found in 2018 that 87 percent support net measurements.


The state of Utah offers tax credits for residential solar panel customers. In February 2017, there was a compromise in the state legislature to stop the sun tax credit by 2021 by limiting how much tax credit everyone could earn. The bill, House Bill 23, was signed in March 2017 by Utah governor Gary Herbert. In Utah, before the law goes into effect, a solar customer on the roof can claim $ 2,000 in tax credits. That amount will decrease by $ 400 every year from 2018 until it drops to zero. Regarding the section and the signing of House Bill 23, the solar industry is not against it.

The current tax credit weighs the state of Utah $ 6 million annually. This is due to the growth of residential installations. Current solar roof customers can earn $ 2,000 in tax credits on their country income tax returns. If the bill is passed into law, that amount will be deducted $ 400 per year starting in 2018. The solar industry does not like the bill; However, they are not against it.

The biggest threat to solar power in Utah is level design and changes in net measurements. However, in the last week of August 2017, Utah Governor Gary Herbert's office announced that stakeholders reached a compromise in the Utah clean measurement debate. This compromise allows Rocky Mountain Power diesel customers, as well as those who propose their solar applications until November 15, 2017, to continue receiving "retail level" credit (when their solar system generates excess electricity and sends it back to the power grid). ) until 2035. This compromise also implements a 3-year transition that provides export credits to roof solar customers. During that time, Rocky Mountain Power had to learn "new compensation methods after the solar study scores end." More than a dozen entities signed the agreement, including Rocky Mountain Power, Vivint Solar, Utah Clean Energy, the Utah Solar Energy Association, and Utah Utah General Division.

The plan will "lower the credit score customers receive from utilities in exchange for the power surplus they produce." Rocky Mountain Power decided to become an existing net metering customer until 2035.


In October 2017, SolarCity solar panel installers reached a settlement with the Vermont Public Service Department for an incorrectly submitted contract. The Public Utilities Commission of Vermont (VPUC) investigates SolarCity's business practices in September 2017. VPUC says SolarCity failed to register registration with state regulators. The company will spend $ 200,000 "to address contracts and net-metering registration for about 134 customers" under completion.

Vermont changed its net measurement program. The new rules "encourage community solar projects and help visitors, who subsidize the above market price utilities are required to pay for electricity generated under the program."

Net Metering - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Purchase and net sale

Purchase and net sales are different methods of providing electricity to power lines that do not offer the symmetry of net measurement rates, making this system much less profitable for home users than small renewable power systems.

Under this arrangement, two uni-directional meters were installed - one electrical record taken from the grid, and another record of excess electricity generated and put back into the grid. Users pay the retail rates for the electricity they use, and power providers buy their generation surcharges at avoided costs (wholesale tariffs). There may be significant differences between the retail level paid by users and the costs that electricity vendors avoid.

Germany, Spain, Ontario (Canada), several states in the United States, and other countries, on the other hand, have adopted a pricing schedule, or feed-in tariff (FIT), where customers are paid for every electricity they generate from renewable energy in their place. The actual electricity generated is calculated on a separate meter, not just the surplus they feed back into the grid. In Germany, for the resulting solar power, feed-in rates are paid for increasing solar power (images from 2009). Germany has paid several times the retail tariff for diesel fuel but has managed to drastically reduce tariffs while actual solar installations have grown exponentially at the same time due to reduced installed costs. Wind energy, in contrast, receives only about half of the domestic retail rate, because the German system pays how much each source costs (including reasonable profit margins).

What is net metering complete information net metering kya hai ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Related technology

Sources that produce direct current, such as solar panels must be combined with an electrical inverter to convert the output into alternating current, for use with conventional equipment. The outgoing power phase must be synchronized with the lattice, and a mechanism must be included to break the supply in case of a grid failure. This is for safety - for example, workers who repair damaged electrical networks should be protected from "downstream" sources, in addition to being disconnected from the main "upstream" distribution network. Note: The small generator just lacks the power to energize the loaded path. This can only happen if the line is isolated from other loads, and highly unlikely. The solar inverter is designed for security - while one inverter can not energize the line, a thousand is possible. In addition, all the electrical workers should treat each path as if it were alive, even when they knew it had to be safe.

Net Metering & Beyond | Home Power Magazine
src: www.homepower.com

Solar Guerrilla

Solar Guerrilla (or guerrilla solar movement ) is a term derived from Home Power Magazine and is applied to someone connecting solar panels without permission or notification and using net measurements monthly regardless of the law.

Solar Power for Homes Net Metering Explained - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

  • Automatic meter reading
  • Request response
  • Distributed generation
  • Electrical meter
  • The Council on Renewable Energy
  • Off-the-grid
  • Power system automation
  • Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978
  • Uninterruptible power supply
  • Smartbox
  • Utility meter
  • Variable price
  • Virtual power plant

Source of the article : Wikipedia
