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Mother's Day Messages 2018 | Public Eye

Mother's Day is a celebration of respect for the mother of the family, as well as the mother, mother's bond, and mother's influence in society. It is celebrated on many days in many parts of the world, most often in March or May. This completes a similar celebration in honor of family members, such as Father's Day, Siblings Day, and Grandpa's Day.

Modern Mother's Day begins in the United States, on the initiative of Ann Reeves Jarvis in the early 20th century. This is not (directly) linked to many of the traditional maternal and maternal celebrations that have existed throughout the world for thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the celebration of Christian Mothering Sunday. However, in some countries, Mother's Day is still synonymous with this older tradition.

The modern version of Mother's Day from the US has been criticized for being too commercial. Founder Jarvis himself deplored this commercialism and expressed his views on how it had never been his intention.

Video Mother's Day

Holiday formation

Mother's Day modern holiday was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. The Methodist Church of St. Andrew now holds the International Mother's Day Temple. The campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday in the United States began in 1905, the year her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. Ann Jarvis has been a peace activist who takes care of wounded soldiers on both sides of the American Civil War, and creates Mother's Day Work Club to address public health concerns. Anna Jarvis wants to honor her mother by continuing the work she started and set aside a day to honor all mothers because she believes a mother is "the one who has done more for you than anyone in the world".

In 1908, the US Congress rejected a proposal to make Mother's Day an official holiday, joking that they should also proclaim "Mother-of-Mother Day". However, thanks to the efforts of Anna Jarvis, in 1911 all US states observed the holiday, with some officially recognizing Mother's Day as a local holiday (the first being West Virginia, Jarvis state, in 1910). In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation referring to Mother's Day, held on the second Sunday of May, as a national holiday in honor of mothers.

Although Jarvis succeeds in establishing Mother's Day, she becomes resentful of the commercialization of the holidays. In the early 1920s, Hallmark Cards and other companies began selling Mother's Day cards. Jarvis believes that companies have misinterpreted and exploited the idea of ​​Mother's Day, and that the emphasis of a holiday is on sentiment, not profit. As a result, he organized a boycott on Mother's Day, and threatened to issue lawsuits against the companies involved. Jarvis argues that people should respect and honor their mothers through handwritten letters expressing their love and gratitude, rather than buying gifts and pre-made cards. Jarvis protested the convention of candy makers in Philadelphia in 1923, and at the American War Mothers meeting in 1925. By this time, carnations had become associated with Mother's Day, and the sale of carnations by American War Mothers to collect angry money Jarvis, who was arrested because it disturbs the peace.

Maps Mother's Day


In 1912, Anna Jarvis trademarked the phrases "Second Week in May" and "Mother's Day", and created the Mother's Day International Association. He specifically noted that "Mother" should be "single possessive, for every family to honor her own mother, not a possessive possessive all-mother mother in the world." This is also a spelling used by US President Woodrow Wilson in the presidential proclamation of 1914, by the US Congress on relevant bills, and by various US presidents in their statements about Mother's Day.


Dates all over the world

While the United States holidays are adopted by several other countries, the celebrations that are held, on different dates, honor the mother have been described as "Mother's Day," such as Mothering Sunday in England or, in Greece, Eastern Orthodox celebrations from the presentation of Jesus Christ to the temple (2 February Julian Calendar). Both secular and religious Mother's Day are present in Greece. Mothering Sunday is often referred to as "Mother's Day" even though it is an unrelated celebration.

In some countries, the date adopted is one that is significant for the majority religion, such as the Virgin Mary Day in Catholic countries. Other countries choose dates with historical significance. For example, Mother Day of Bolivia is the date of combat in which women participate. See the "International history and tradition" section for a complete list.

Some former communist countries, such as Russia, celebrate International Women's Day instead of Mother's Day or just celebrate the second holiday, which is a custom in Ukraine. Kyrgyzstan has recently introduced Mother's Day, but "year after year [International Women's Day] must increase in status".

Mother's Day - Painshill Park Trust

International history and traditions

In most countries, Mother's Day is a holiday-taken celebration that has grown in the United States, promoted by companies that see the benefits of making it popular. As adopted by other countries and cultures, holidays have different meanings, attributed to events (religion, history or legend), and are celebrated on different dates.

In some cases, the state already has celebrations that are in place to honor mothers, and their celebrations then adopt some of the external characteristics of the US holiday, such as giving carnations and other gifts to someone's mother.

The extent of the celebrations varies greatly. In some countries, it is potentially offensive to the mother not to mark Mother's Day. Elsewhere, it is a less well-known festival celebrated mainly by immigrants, or covered by the media as a foreign cultural flavor.


In the Roman Catholic Church, vacations are closely related to worshiping the Virgin Mary. In some Catholic homes, the family has a special temple devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In many Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, special prayer services are held in honor of Theotokos Virgin Mary.

In Islam there is no concept of Mother's Day, but the Koran teaches that children should be prioritized to love their mother over their father.

In the Hindu tradition, Mother's Day is called "Mata Tirtha Aunshi" or "The Night of Mother Pilgrimage", and is celebrated in countries with Hindu populations, especially in Nepal. Holidays are observed on the new moon day in the month of Baisakh, ie, April/May. This celebration is based on Hinduism and it is pre-dated creation of US-inspired celebrations by at least several centuries.

In Buddhism, the Ullambana festival comes from the story of Maudgalyayana and his mother.

By country (A-G)


Mother's day is celebrated on March 8th. The origin of the March 8 holiday dates back to 1908 and is associated with a tragic event. A group of workers at a textile factory in New York attacked extreme working conditions. On March 8, the plant was closed and workers remained trapped inside. Suddenly there was a fire, where 129 mothers died.

Arabic World

Mother's Day in most Arab countries is celebrated on 21 March. It was introduced in Egypt by journalist Mustafa Amin and was first celebrated in 1956. This practice has since been copied by other Arab countries. Argentina

In Argentina, Mother's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of October. This holiday was originally celebrated on October 11, the old liturgical date for the Blessed Virgin Mary's Birthday celebration but after Vatican II, which moved the Virgin Mary until January 1, Mother's Day began to be celebrated on the third day. Sunday October due to popular tradition. Argentina is the only country in the world to celebrate Mother's Day on this date.


In Armenia, Mother's Day is celebrated on March 8, and on April 7 as Mother's Day and Beauty.


In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. The tradition of giving gifts to mothers on Mother's Day in Australia was started by Janet Heyden, resident of Leichhardt, Sydney, in 1924. She started the tradition during a visit to a patient at Newington Women's Home, where she met many lonely mothers and forgotten. To cheer them up, he garnered support from schoolchildren and local businesses to donate and bring gifts to the women. Every year thereafter, Mrs. Heyden increased support for the project from local businesses and even the local Mayor. The day has become commercial.


Belarus celebrates Mother's Day on 14 October. Like other former Communist republics, Belarus only celebrates International Women's Day on 8 March. Mother's Day in Belarus was officially established by the Belarusian government, and it was celebrated for the first time in 1996. The Virgin Mary's Celebration (the Holy Bliss of God's holiday) was celebrated on the same day.


Mother's Day in Bhutan is celebrated on May 8th. It was introduced in Bhutan by the Bhutan Tourism Board.


In Belgium, Mother's Day ( Moederdag or Moederkesdag in Dutch and FÃÆ'ªte des MÃÆ'¨res in French) is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. In the week before this holiday the children made a little gift in elementary school, which they gave to their mother on the morning of the mother. Usually, my father would buy croissants and other sweet bread and pastries and bring them to his mother while he was in bed - the beginning of an indulgent day for mothers. There are also many people who celebrate Mother's Day on August 15 instead; this was mostly people around Antwerp, who considered that day (Assumption) of the classic Mother's Day and obedience in May an invention for commercial reasons. Originally founded on that day as a result of a campaign by Frans Van Kuyck, a painter and Alderman from Antwerp.


In Bolivia, Mother's Day is celebrated on 27 May. El DÃÆ'a de la Madre Boliviana was passed into law on 8 November 1927, during the presidency of Hernando Siles Reyes. The date commemorates the Battle of La Coronilla, which took place on 27 May 1812, during the Bolivian War of Independence, in what is now the city of Cochabamba. In this battle, women who fought for the independence of the country were massacred by the Spanish army. This is not a public holiday, but all schools hold activities and celebrations throughout the day.


In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. The first Mother's Day in Brazil was promoted by AssociaÃÆ'§ÃÆ' £ o CristÃÆ' £ de MoÃÆ'§os de Porto Alegre on May 12, 1918. In 1932, President GetÃÆ'ºlio Vargas made the second Sunday of May date official for Mother's Day. In 1947, Archbishop Jaime de Barros CÃÆ' ¢ mara, Cardinal of the Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, decided that this holiday would also be included in the official Catholic Church calendar.

Mother's Day is not an official holiday (see Public holidays in Brazil), but it is widely observed and usually involves spending time with and giving gifts to someone's mother. Therefore, it is considered one of the most celebrated celebrations of consumerism in the country, second only to Christmas Day being the most commercially profitable holiday.


See also Other observations in Canada

Mother's Day in Canada is celebrated on the second Sunday of May (not a public holiday or bank holiday), and usually involves small celebrations and gift giving to mother, grandmother or other important female character in one's family. The practice of celebration is very similar to other western countries. Tradition QuÃÆ'Â © bÃÆ' Â © cois is for QuÃÆ'Â © bÃÆ'Â Â Â Â Â cois men offer roses or other flowers to the women.


Mother's Day is becoming more popular in China. Carnations are a very popular Mother's Day gift and most of the flowers are sold in relation to the day. In 1997, Mother's Day was designated as a day to help poor mothers and to remind people from poor mothers in rural areas such as western China. In the People's Daily, the official Chinese government newspaper, an article explains that "although originating in the United States, people in China accept vacations without hesitation because this is in line with the country's traditional ethics - respect for parents and devoted to parents."

In recent years, Communist Party member Li Hanqiu began advocating the official adoption of Mother's Day to commemorate Meng Mu, mother of MÃÆ'¨ng Z ?. He formed a non-governmental organization called the Chinese Mother Festival Promotion Association , with the support of 100 Confucian scholars and ethics lecturers. Li and the People wanted to replace Western-style carnation gifts with lilies, which, in ancient times, were planted by Chinese mothers when children left home. Mother's Day remains an unofficial festival, except in a small number of cities.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, Mother's Day is celebrated every second Sunday in May. It started in the former Czechoslovakia in 1923. This celebration promoter was Alice MasarykovÃÆ'¡. After World War II communism replaced Mother's Day with International Women's Day, celebrated on 8 March. Former Czechoslovakia celebrated Women's Day until the Velvet Revolution in 1989. After the country's split in 1993, the Czech Republic began celebrating Mother's Day again.


Mother's Day in Egypt is celebrated on March 21, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. It was introduced in Egypt by Mustafa Amin in his book Smiling America (1943). The idea was ignored at the time. Later Amin heard the story of a widow mother who devoted her whole life to raising her son until she became a doctor. The son then married and left without showing gratitude to his mother. Hearing this, Amin became motivated to promote "Mother's Day". This idea was first mocked by President Gamal Abdel Nasser but he finally accepted it and Mother's Day was first celebrated on March 21, 1956. The practice has since been copied by other Arab countries.

When Mustafa Amin was arrested and imprisoned, there was an attempt to change the name of the holiday from "Mother's Day" to "Family Day" because the government wanted to prevent the opportunity to remind people of its founders. These efforts were unsuccessful and the celebration continued on that day; classical songs that celebrate moms remain famous to this day.


Mother's Day is celebrated for three days in Ethiopia, after the end of the rainy season. It comes in the middle of fall where people enjoy a three-day party called "Antrosht".

For parties, materials will be brought by the children to traditional hash recipes. The ingredients are divided by gender, with the girls bringing spices, vegetables, cheese and butter, while the children bring the lamb or the bull. The mother hands the family on the hash.

The celebration takes place after the meal. The mothers and their daughters anointed themselves using butter on their faces and chests. While respecting their families and heroes, men sing songs.


In Estonia, Mother's Day ( emadepÃÆ'¤ev in Estonia) is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is nationally recognized, but not a public holiday.


In Finland, Mother's Day ( ÃÆ'¤itienpÃÆ'¤ivÃÆ'¤ in Finnish) is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is nationally recognized, and is a public holiday. Usually celebrated in homes where children or grandchildren carry Mother's Day cards that they have pulled to their mother and grandmother. Usually some food, coffee and cake are served for guests. Children grow up visiting their parents' homes and bringing in Mother's traditional day roses or other flowers accompanied by Mother's day cards. The Finnish president glorifies with medals every year some mothers who have done something extraordinary and positive throughout the year.


In France, in the midst of alarms at low birth rates, there were attempts in 1896 and 1904 to create a national celebration to honor the mothers of the extended family. In 1906, ten mothers who had nine children were each given an award recognizing "High Maternal Merit" ("Haut mÃÆ'  © rite maternel"). The American War I soldiers who fought in France popularized the Mother's Day holiday made by Anna Jarvis. They sent so many letters back to their country for Mother's Day that Union Franco-Amà © à © ricaine made postcards for that purpose. In 1918, also inspired by Jarvis, the city of Lyon wanted to celebrate "journÃÆ' © e des MÃÆ'¨res", but instead decided to celebrate "Journà ©  © Nationale des MÃÆ'¨res de familles nombreuses." The holiday was more inspired by anti-depopulation efforts than by the US holidays, with medals awarded to mothers of large families. The French government made its official day in 1920 as a day for mothers of large families. Since then the French government has rewarded the big families of the Mà © rè de la Famille franÃÆ'§aise family.

In 1941, with the initiative of Philippe PÃÆ'Ã… © tain, the wartime Vichy government used the celebrations to support their policies to encourage larger families, but all mothers are now respected, even mothers with smaller families.

In 1950, after the war, the celebration was restored. The law of 24 May 1950 requires (in Article 1) that the Republic gives official honor to the French Mothers. Article 2 states it should be celebrated on the last Sunday of May as "FÃÆ'ªte des MÃÆ'¨res" (except when the day of Pentecost fell on that day, which in this case was moved to the first Sunday in June). Article 3 states that all expenditures shall be covered from the budget of the Ministry of Public Health and Population.

During the 1950s, the celebration lost all its patriotic and natalist ideology, and became highly commercial.

In 1956, the celebration was budgeted and integrated into the new Code de l'action Sociale et des familles. In 2004 responsibility for the holiday was transferred to the Minister responsible for the family.


Georgia celebrates Mother's Day on March 3rd. It was announced by the first Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia to replace International Women's Day, and was officially approved by the Supreme Council in 1991. Georgia currently celebrates Mother's Day on March 3 and International Women's Day on March 8.


In the 1920s, Germany had the lowest birth rate in Europe, and the downward trend continued. This is attributed to the participation of women in the labor market. At the same time, influential groups in society (left and right politicians, church women, and feminists) believe that mothers should be respected but can not agree on how to do it. However, all groups strongly agree on the promotion of maternal values. In 1923, this resulted in unanimous adoption of Muttertag , Mother's Day holidays as imported from America and Norway. The head of the German Flower Association called "our inner conflicts Volk and family easing" as an excuse to introduce the holidays. He hopes the holiday will unite the divided country. In 1925, the Mother's Day Committee joined the task force for restoration of the volk, and the holidays ceased depending on commercial interests and began to emphasize the need to increase the population in Germany by promoting the mother.

The holiday was then seen as a means to encourage women to give birth to more children, seen by nationalists as a way to revive the nation. The holiday does not celebrate individual women, but is an idealized standard of motherhood. The progressive power rejects the execution of the holidays as it is supported by many conservatives, and because they see it as a way to eliminate the rights of working women. Die Frau , the German Federation of Women's Association newspapers refused to recognize the holidays. Many local rulers adopted their own interpretation of the holidays: it would be a day to support a larger family economically or a single mother's family. Guidelines for subsidies have eugenics criteria, but there is no indication that social workers have applied them in practice, and that subsidies are given privileged to families in need of economy rather than families with more "healthier" children or children.

With the Nazi party in power during 1933-1945, the situation changed radically. Mother's Day Promotion is increasing in many European countries, including Britain and France. From the position of the Nazi government of Germany, the role of mother is to give healthy children to the German nation. The Nazi party's intention was to create a "pure Aryan race" according to nazi eugenika. Among other Mother's Day ideas, the government promotes the death of a mother's son in combat as the highest embodiment of a patriotic mother.

The Nazis quickly declared Mother's Day an official holiday and placed it under the control of the NSV (National Socialist People's Welfare Association) and NSF (National Socialist Women's Organization). This created conflict with other organizations that hate Nazi control of the holidays, including Catholic and Protestant churches and local women's organizations. The local authorities rejected the guidelines of the Nazi government and continued to assign resources to families in need of economy, which left the Nazi officials disappointed.

In 1938, the government began issuing an award called Mother's Cross (Mutterkreuz ), based on a category that depended on the number of children a mother possessed. Medals are awarded on Mother's Day as well as on other holidays due to the number of recipients. The cross is an attempt to encourage women to have more children, and the recipient must have at least four children.

By country (H-M)


In Hungary, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. It was first celebrated in 1925 by Hungarian Red Cross Youth.


Modern Mother's Day has been assimilated into Indian culture, and it is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. Indians do not celebrate the event as a religious event, and are celebrated mainly in the city centers.


Indonesian Mother's Day (Indonesian: Mother's Day ) is celebrated nationwide on December 22nd. The date was made official holiday by President Soekarno based on Presidential Decree (Indonesian: Presidential Decree ) no. 316 in 1953, at the 25th anniversary of the Indonesian Women's Congress of 1928. The day originally aimed to celebrate the spirit of Indonesian women and to improve the condition of the nation. Today, the meaning of Mother's Day has changed, and it is celebrated by expressing love and gratitude to the mothers. People give gifts to mothers (like flowers) and have parties and surprise competitions, including cooking and kebaya. People also allow mothers day off from housework.

This holiday is celebrated on the anniversary of the opening of the first Indonesian Women's Congress (Indonesian: Indonesian Women's Congress ), held from 22 to 25 December 1928. The congress takes place in a building called Dalem Jayadipuran, which now serves as the office of the Center for History and Conservation of Traditional Values ​​(Indonesian: Hall of Conservation of History and Traditional Values ​​ ) on the Road Brigadier Katamso, Yogyakarta. The congress was attended by 30 feminist organizations from 12 cities in Java and Sumatra. In Indonesia, feminist organizations have existed since 1912, inspired by 19th century Indonesian heroes, for example, Kartini, Martha Christina Tiahahu, Cut Nyak Meutia, Maria Walanda Maramis, Dewi Sartika, Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, Rasuna Said, etc. Congress is intended to increase women's rights in education and marriage.

Indonesia also celebrates Kartini Day (Indonesian: Kartini Day ) on April 21st, to commemorate activist Raden Ajeng Kartini. This is a celebration of women's emancipation. The obedience was instituted at the 1938 Indonesian Women's Congress.

During the New Order of President Soeharto (1965-1998), government propaganda used Mother's Day and Kartini Day to instill in women the idea that they should be tame and stay home.


In Iran, Mother's Day is celebrated on 20 Jumada al-thani. This is the sixth month in the Islamic calendar (lunar calendar) and every holiday year falls on a different day than the Gregorian calendar. This is the birthday of Fatimah, the only daughter of Prophet Muhammad according to Shi'ite Islam. On this day, the banner that says " Ya Fatemeah (O! Fatemeh)" is displayed in "government buildings, private buildings, public roads and car windows." Mother's Day was originally observed on December 16 but its date changed after the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The celebration was Women's Day (replacing International Women's Day) and Mother's Day.

In 1960, the Women's Protection Institute adopted a Western holiday and set it at 25 Azar (December 16), the date the Institute was founded. The agency's actions have the support of Ratu Farah Pahlavi, Shah's last wife of Persia, which promotes the construction of maternity clinics in remote areas of the country to commemorate the day. The Pahlavi regime uses holidays to promote the "gender ideology" of the regime. The Shah's government honors and rewards women who represent the regime's ideal view, including mothers who have many healthy children.

According to Shahla Haeri, the government of the Islamic Republic has used the holidays to "control and channel the women's movement" and to promote role models for traditional family concepts. Fatimah is seen by these critics as a model chosen from a woman who is completely dedicated to feminine roles that are traditionally approved. However, the supporters of choice argue that there is more to his life story than just such a "traditional" role.


The Israeli Jewish population used to celebrate Mother's Day on the Shevat 30 Jewish calendar, which falls between 30 January and 1 March. The celebration was set as the same date that Henrietta Szold died (13 February 1945). Henrietta has no biological children, but his organization, Youth Aliyah, saved many Jewish children from Nazi Germany and provided for them. He also fights for the rights of the child. Szold is considered the "mother" of all those children, and that is why his annual anniversary (??????) is defined as Mother's Day (????????, yom ha'em). Vacation has evolved over time, becoming a reciprocal love celebration within the family, called Family Day (???? ???????????, yom hamishpacha). This holiday is mainly celebrated in preschool schools with activities that invite parents. Mother's Day is mainly celebrated by children in kindergarten. No more reciprocal gifts among family members, and no commercialization of celebrations. This is not an official holiday.


Mother's Day in Italy was celebrated for the first time on 24 December 1933 as "Mother and Child Day" ( Giornata della madre e del fanciullo ). It was instituted by Opera nazionale maternitÃÆ' e infanzia to openly appreciate the most prolific Italian women every year.

After World War II, Mother's Day was first celebrated on May 12, 1957 in Assisi, on the initiative of Reverend Otello Migliosi, parish priest of the Tordibetto church. This celebration was so popular that the following year Mother's Day was adopted throughout Italy. On December 18, 1958, a proposal was submitted to the Italian Senate to make the holiday official.


In Japan, Mother's Day ( Haha no Hi ) Sh period? wa as the birthday of Empress K? jun (mother of Emperor Akihito) on March 6th. It was founded in 1931 when the Empire Women's Union was organized. In 1937, the first meeting of "Puji Mothers" was held on May 8, and in 1949 the Japanese people adopted the second Sunday of May as the official date for Mother's Day in Japan. Today, people usually give their mothers flowers gifts like red carnations and roses. Japan is best known for giving carnations on Mother's Day.


In Kyrgyzstan, Mother's Day is celebrated on 19 May every year. First holiday is celebrated in 2012. Mother is also honored on International Women's Day


Mother's Day in Latvia was celebrated for the first time in 1922. Since 1934, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. After the end of the soviet colonial celebration of the Baltic state was resumed in 1992. The mother was also honored on International Women's Day.


Mother's Day in Lithuania was celebrated for the first time in 1928. In Lithuania, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May.


In Malawi. Mother's Day is a public holiday. Today is observed on October 15th or next business day. It was celebrated on the UN World Rural Women's Day. Maldives

In the Maldives, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 13th. The day was celebrated in a different way. Children give gifts and spend time with their mothers. The girls gave their mother's cards and handmade gifts and the boys gave their mothers gifts and flowers. Maldivians love to celebrate Mother's Day, and they have it specifically written on their calendar.


The first mention of Mother's Day in Malta occurred during the Children's Radio Program run by Frans H. Said in May 1961. In recent years, Mother's Day became one of the most popular dates in the Maltese calendar. In Malta, today is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Mom is always given a gift and invited to lunch, usually in a good quality restaurant.


In Mexico, the government of ÃÆ' lvaro ObregÃÆ'³n imported Mother's holiday from the United States in 1922, and the newspaper ExcÃÆ' Â © lsior held a massive promotional campaign for the holidays of that year. Conservative governments are trying to use vacations to promote a more conservative role for mothers in the family, but the perspective is criticized by socialists for promoting the unrealistic image of a bad woman for more than just breeding.

In the mid-1930s, the government left LÃÆ'¡zaro CÃÆ'¡rdenas promoting the holiday as a "patriotic festival". The CÃÆ'¨rdenas government tries to use the holidays as a vehicle for various efforts: emphasizing the importance of families as the basis of national development; to benefit from the loyalty the Mexicans feel for their mothers; to introduce new morals to Mexican women; and to reduce the influence that church and Catholic rights are given to women. The government sponsors vacation in schools. However, ignoring the rigorous guidance of the government, theatrical theatrics are filled with religious icons and themes. Consequently, the "national celebration" becomes "religious feasts" despite government efforts.

Soledad Orozco GarcÃÆ'a, the wife of President Manuel ÃÆ' vila Camacho, promoted the holidays during the 1940s, generating an important celebration sponsored by the state. The 1942 celebration lasted a whole week and included the announcement that all women can take back their sewing machines from Monte de Piedad at no cost.

Due to the promotion of Orozco, the Catholic National Synoptic Union (UNS) heeded the feast of about 1941. The owner of the Mexican Revolutionary Party (now institutional Revolutionary Party) shop looked at the habit of allowing women from the lower classes to choose to free Mother's Day gift from a shop to take home to their family. The Synarchists fear that this promotes both materialism and lower-class sloth, and in turn, strengthens the systemic social problems of the state. Currently this holiday practice is considered very conservative, but the 1940s UNS sees Mother's Day as part of a larger debate about the modernization that occurred at the time. This economic modernization is inspired by the US model and is sponsored by the state. The fact that the holiday was originally imported from the United States was seen as evidence of an attempt to impose capitalism and materialism in Mexican society.

UNS and the townspeople of LeÃÆ'³n interpreted government action as an effort to declare a holiday and to promote a more active role for women in society. They conclude that the long-term goal of the government is to cause women to abandon their traditional role at home to weaken men spiritually. They also saw the holiday as an attempt to secrete the cult to the Virgin Mary, in a greater effort to dechristianize several holidays. The government is trying to counter these claims by organizing a widespread mass and asking religious women to help with state-sponsored events to "degrade" them. The scholars prefer to promote the celebration of July 2 SantÃsima Virgen de la Luz, patron of LeÃÆ'³n, Guanajuato, as a Mother's Day substitute. In 1942, at the same time as the greatest celebration of Mother's Day, the priests organized the celebration of the 210 Virgin Mary with a great march at LeÃÆ'³n.

There is a consensus among scholars that the Mexican government abandoned its revolutionary initiatives during the 1940s, including its efforts to influence Mother's Day.

Today "DÃÆ'a de las Madres" is an informal holiday in Mexico held annually on May 10, the day when it was first celebrated in Mexico.

In Mexico, to show affection and appreciation to the mother, it is traditional to start the celebration with the famous song "Las MaÃÆ' Â ± anitas", both acappella, with the help of mariachi or a trio of contracts. Many families usually gather to celebrate this special day by trying to spend as much time as possible with mothers to honor them in their day. They arranged to bring some dishes and eat together or maybe to visit any restaurant.

By country (N-S)


In Nepal, there is an equivalent festival of Mother's Day, called Mata Tirtha Aunsi ("New Hajj Mom"), or Mata Tirtha Puja ("Mother of Mother Worship"). It is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. It falls on the last day of the two dark weeks in Baishakh month which falls in April-May (2015, it will happen on April 18). Two dark weeks last for 15 days from the full moon to the new moon. The festival is observed to commemorate and honor mothers, and it is celebrated by giving gifts to mothers and remembering mothers who no longer exist.

In honor of the mothers who have died, it is a tradition to go on a pilgrimage to Tirtha Mata pool, located 6 km to the southwest of downtown Kathmandu. The nearby village of Mata Tirtha is named from these pools. Previously, this tradition was observed mainly by the Newar community and others living in the Kathmandu Valley. Now the festival is celebrated widely across the country.

Many tragic folklore legends have been made, pointing out different reasons why this pool became a pilgrimage site. The most popular version says that, in ancient times, the mother of a shepherd died, and he gave an offering to the nearest pond. There he saw his mother's face in the water, with his hands taking offerings. Since then, many people have visited the pond, hoping to see the face of their deceased mother. Pilgrims believe that they will bring peace to their mother's soul by visiting the shrine. There are two pools. The bigger is the bath ritual. The smaller ones are used to "see the mother's face", and are fenced off by iron bars to prevent people from bathing in them.

Traditionally, in the valley of the Kathmandu South-West corner is reserved for female and female rituals, and the North East is for male and male rituals. The place of worship for Mata Tirtha Aunsi is located at Mata Tirtha in half of the South-West valley, while the shrine for Gokarna Aunsi, the celebration of the equivalent for the deceased father, is located in Gokarna, Nepal, in the Northeast. This division is reflected in many aspects of life in the Kathmandu valley.

Mother's Day is known as Aama ko Mukh Herne Din in Nepali, which literally means "a day to see the mother's face." In Nepal Bhasa, this festival is known as M? M y? Khw? Swayegu, which can be translated as "to see the face of a mother".


In the Netherlands, Mother's Day was introduced as early as 1910 by the Dutch Salvation Army branch. The Royal Dutch Society for Horticulture and Botany, a group that protects the interests of the Dutch florist, are working to promote the holiday; they hope to emulate the commercial success achieved by the American florist. They imitate the campaigns that have been done by florists in Germany and Austria, but they are aware that the tradition comes from the US.

The flower shop launched a major promotional effort in 1925. This included the publication of an article book written by renowned intellectuals, radio broadcasts, newspaper ads, and collaborations of priests and teachers who wanted to promote the celebration for their own reasons. In 1931, the second Sunday of May was adopted as the official celebration date. In the mid-1930s the slogan Moederdag - Bloemendag (Mother's Day - The Day of Flower) was created, and the phrase was popular for years. In the 1930s and 1940s the "Mother's Day cake" was given as a gift in the hospital and to the Queen of the Netherlands, known as the "first lady". Other trading groups try to monetize on holidays and give new meaning on holidays to promote their own items as gifts.

Roman Catholic priests complain that the holiday disturbs the respect of the Virgin Mary, the divine mother, which occurred during May. In 1926, Mother's Day was celebrated on July 7 to deal with these complaints. Catholic organizations and priests tried to Christianize the holiday, but those efforts became useless around the 1960s when the church lost its influence and the holiday was completely secular.

In later years, the initial resistance disappeared, and even left-wing newspapers stopped their criticism and supported Mother's Day.

In the 1980s, American origin of the holidays was still not widely known, so feminist groups opposed to gender-ridden occasions sometimes claimed that Mother's Day was created by the Nazis and celebrated on the anniversary of Hitler's Hitler's Klara Hitler.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Mother's Day is not a public holiday. New Zealand's tradition is to give cards and gifts and to serve the mother's breakfast in bed.


In Nicaragua, DÃÆ'a de la Madre has been celebrated on May 30 since the early 1940s. The date was chosen by President Anastasio Somoza GarcÃÆ'a because it was the birthday of Casimira Sacasa, his wife's mother.

North Korea

Mother's Day is celebrated on November 16th as a public holiday in North Korea. This date takes on the significance of the First National Meeting of Mothers held in 1961, in which Kim Il-sung, the country's leader, published a work called Mother's Duties in Children's Education. The date is set as Mother's Day in May 2012 by the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly but only a public holiday and appears on the North Korean calendar beginning 2015.


Mother's Day was first celebrated on February 9, 1919 and originally organized by religious institutions. Lately it has become a family day, and the mother is often served breakfast in bed, flowers and cakes.

It gradually became a major commercial event, with specialty pastries, flowers and other gifts offered by retailers. Schools that care about day and grade schools often encourage children to make cards and other gifts.


In Pakistan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Media channels celebrate with special events. Individuals respect their mothers by giving rewards and warning articles. The people who lost their mother prayed and paid homage to their loved ones lost. Schools hold special programs to admit their mother's efforts.


In Panama, Mother's Day is celebrated on December 8th, the same day as the Immaculate Conception Party. This date was proposed in 1930 by the wife of the President of Panama, Florencio Harmodio Arosemena. December 8 was adopted as Mother's Day under Law 69, passed in the same year.

According to another report, in 1924, the Rotary Club of Panama requested that Mother's Day be celebrated on May 11. Politician AnÃÆ'bal D. RÃÆ'os changed the proposal so the celebration will be held on 8 December. He then established Mother's Day as a national holiday on that date.


In Paraguay, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 15, the same day as Dia de la Patria, celebrating Paraguay's independence. This date was chosen to honor the role played by Juana MarÃÆ'Â ± de de Lara in the event of May 14, 1811 which caused Paraguay's independence.

In 2008, Paraguay's Minister of Culture, Bruno Barrios regrets this coincidence because, in Paraguay, Mother's Day is much more popular than independence days and the celebration of independence goes unnoticed. As a result, Barrios requested that the celebration be moved to the end of the month. A group of young people trying to collect 20,000 signatures to ask Parliament to move Mother's Day. In 2008 the AsunciÃÆ'³n de Festejos (committee Celebration) of Asunción requested that Mother's Day be moved to the second Sunday of May.


In the Philippines, Mother's Day is officially celebrated on the second Sunday in May, but it is not a public holiday. Although not a traditional Philippine holiday, the opportunity owes its popularity to the influence of the American colonial era.

According to a 2008 article by the Philippine News Agency, in 1921, the Ilocos Norte Women's Club Federation requested to announce the first Monday of December as Mother's Day "in honor of the extraordinary women who bring God's children into the world." In response, Governor-General Charles Yeater issued Circular No. 33 who declared the celebration. In 1937 President Manuel L. Quezon issued Presidential Proclamation No. 213, changed the event name from "Mother's Day" to "Parent's Day" to handle complaints that there is no "Father's Day". In 1980 President Ferdinand Marcos issued Presidential Proclamation No. 2037 which states that date as Mother's Day and Father's Day. In 1988 President Corazon Aquino issued Presidential Proclamation No. 266, turning Mother's Day into the second Sunday of May, and Father's Day until the third Sunday of June, stopping the traditional date. In 1998 President Joseph Estrada returned the two celebrations on the first Monday of December.


In Portugal, "Dia da MÃÆ' Â e e" ("Mother's Day") is an unofficial holiday held annually on the first Sunday of May (sometimes coinciding with Labor Day). A few weeks before this Sunday, schoolchildren spend several hours a day preparing gifts for their mothers, assisted by their schoolteachers. In general, mothers receive gifts from their family members and today are meant to be celebrated with the whole family. It used to be celebrated on December 8th, the same date of the Virgin Conception celebration.


In Romania, Mother's Day has been celebrated on the first Sunday of May since 2010. Law 319/2009 makes the official holiday of Mother's Day and Father's Day in Romania. This step was endorsed by the campaign effort of Alliance Fighting Discrimination Against Fathers (TATA). Previously, Mother's Day was celebrated on March 8, as part of International Women's Day (a tradition that started since Romania was part of the Eastern bloc). Today, Mother's Day and International Women's Day are two separate days off, with International Women's Day being held on the original date of March 8th.


Traditionally Russia has celebrated International Women's Day and Mother's Day on March 8, the legacy of the Soviet Union, and public holidays.

Women's Day was first celebrated on the last Sunday of February 1913 in Russia.

In 1917, a demonstration marking International Women's Day in Saint Petersburg on the last Sunday of February (which falls on March 8 on the Gregorian calendar) begins the February Revolution. After the October Revolution at the end of the year, Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai persuaded Vladimir Lenin to make it an official holiday in the Soviet Union, and was established, but it was a working day until 1965.

On May 8, 1965, with the decree of the Presidium of the Soviet International Day, International Women declared as a non-working day in the Soviet Union "to commemorate the extraordinary rewards of Soviet women in communist construction, in defending their Homeland during the Great Patriotic War, in heroism and their selfishness in front and behind, and also marks the great contribution of women to strengthening friendship between people, and the struggle for peace, but still, women's day should be celebrated like any other holiday. "


In Samoa, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, and as a recognized national holiday the following Monday.


In Singapore, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is not recognized as a holiday by the government.


Czechoslovakia only celebrated Women's Day until the Velvet Revolution in 1989. After the country split in 1993, Slovakia began to celebrate Women's Day and Mother's Day. The politicization of Women's Day has affected the official status of Mother's Day. The right-wing parties want Mother's Day to replace Woman's Day, and the social democrats want to make Women's Day an official holiday. Today, the two days are festive, but they are not "public holidays". In the Slovak Republic, Mother's Day is celebrated every second Sunday in May.

South Africa

In South Africa, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is not recognized as a holiday by the government. The tradition is to give cards and gifts and serve the mother's breakfast in bed or go to lunch together as a family.

South Sudan

In South Sudan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Monday of July. President Salva Kiir Mayardit proclaimed Mother's Day as the first Monday in July after surrendering from Sudan. Children in Southern Sudan present mothers with gifts and flowers. The first Mother's Day was held in the country on July 2, 2012.


In Spain, Mother's Day or DÃÆ'a de la Madre is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. A few weeks before this Sunday, schoolchildren spend several hours a day preparing gifts for their mothers, assisted by their schoolteachers. In general, mothers receive gifts from their family members & amp; today is meant to be celebrated with the whole family. It is also said to be celebrated in May, as May is a month dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Jesus' mother) according to Catholicism. The idea of ​​a moon dedicated specifically to Mary can be traced back to the baroque era. Although not always held during May, Moon Mary includes thirty spiritual exercises every day in honor of Mary.

Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.


In Sweden, Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1919, with initiative writer Cecilia BÃÆ'  ¥ ÃÆ'  ¥ th-Holmberg. It takes several decades for the day to be widely recognized. Swedes born in the early nineteen hundreds usually do not celebrate the day because of the common belief that the holiday was strictly created for commercial purposes. This is different from Father's Day, which has been widely celebrated in Sweden since the late 1970s. Mother's Day in Sweden is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. The date is then selected to allow everyone to go out and pick up the flowers.


In Switzerland, the law "rÃÆ'¨gle de PentecÃÆ'Â'te" allows Mother's Day to be celebrated a week if the holiday falls on the same day as the day of Pentecost. In 2008, merchants refused to move dates.

By country (T-Z)


In Taiwan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, coinciding with the Buddha's birthday and the traditional ceremony of "washing the Buddha". In 1999 the Taiwanese government set up the second Sunday of May as the day of the Buddha's birth, so they will be celebrated on the same day.

Since 2006, Tzu Chi, Taiwan's largest charitable organization, celebrates the Tzu Chi Day, Mother's Day and Buddhist birthday together, as part of a united celebration and religious celebration.


Mother's day in Thailand is celebrated on the birthday of Queen of Thailand, Queen Sirikit (12 August). This holiday was first celebrated around the 1980s as part of a campaign by Thai Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda to promote the Royal Thai family. Father's Day is celebrated on the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.


Ukraine celebrates Mother's Day (Ukrainian: ???? ?????? ) on the second Sunday of May. In Ukraine, Mother's Day officially became a holiday only in 1999 and celebrated since 2000. Since then the Ukrainian society is struggling for a major holiday transition that recognizes women from International Women's Day, a holiday adopted under the Soviet Union that remains as a legacy in Ukraine after its collapse, became Mother's Day.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom celebrates Mothering Sunday, which falls on Easter Sunday (March 26, 2017). This vacation is rooted in the church and initially unrelated to American holidays. Most historians believe that Mothering Sunday evolved from the 16th century Christian custom to visit the mother church every year in Laetare on Sunday. As a result of this tradition, most mothers are met with their children today when young workers and young women in service are released by their master for the weekend. As a result of the influence of Mother's Day, Mothering Sunday transformed into a tradition of showing appreciation to mom. The holidays are still recognized in the original historical sense by many churches, with the attention given to Mary the mother of Jesus Christ and the concept of the Mother Church.

The custom was still popular in the early nineteenth century, but with the Industrial Revolution, traditions changed and the habits of the Motherhood declined. In 1935, Mothering Sunday was less celebrated in Europe. Constance Penswick-Smith worked unsuccessfully to revive the festival in the 1910s 1920s. However, US World War II troops brought the celebration of Mother's Day to England, and the holiday was merged with the tradition of Birthday Mothering which is still celebrated in the Church of England. In the 1950s, the celebration became popular again throughout the UK, thanks to the efforts of British merchants, who saw in the festival a huge commercial opportunity. People from Britain began celebrating Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent, the same day that Mothering Sunday was celebrated for centuries. Some of the Mothering Birthday traditions are revived, as is the tradition of eating the cake on that day, though the celebrants are now eating simontrak cake as a substitute for the traditionally prepared cake at that time. The tradition of two days off now mixes together and is celebrated on the same day, though many people do not realize that the celebration has quite separate origins.

Mothering Sunday takes place 3 weeks before Easter Sunday or the fourth Sunday of Lent, which means it can fall as early as March 1 (in the years when Easter fell on March 22) and by 4 April (when Easter fell to 25 April).

United States

The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe asked women to join in support of disarmament and requested 2 June 1872, to be designated as "Mother's Day for Peace". His 1870 "Appeal for femininity around the world" is sometimes referred to as the Proclamation of Mother's Day. But Howe's day was not to honor mothers but to organize peaceful mothers against war. In the 1880s and 1890s there were some further attempts to establish the American "Mother's Day", but this did not work beyond the local level.

In the United States, Mother's Day remains one of the biggest days for the sale of flowers, greeting cards, and the like; Mother's Day is also the biggest holiday for long distance phone calls. In addition, the church is also popular on Mother's Day, producing the highest church attendance after Christmas Eve and Easter. Many pilgrims celebrate the day with carnations, colored if the mother is alive and white if she dies.

Mother's Day continues to be one of the most commercially successful US shows.

It is possible that the holiday will wilt over time without the continued support and promotion of the flower industry and other commercial industries. Other Protestant festivals of the same time, such as Children's Day and Temperance Week, do not have the same level of popularity.

Happy Mother's Day Wishes 2017 for MOM, Best Wishes for Mother's ...

See also

  • International Mother's Day Temple
  • International Women's Day
  • Can be crowned
  • Father's Day

Mother's Day Wallpapers and Background Images -


Foot Records


Enstam, Elizabeth York. "Dallas's voting association, political style, and popular culture: grassroots women's rights grab strategy, 1913-1919." Southern History Journal 68.4 (2002): 817. Student Resources in Context. Web. November 14, 2014.

5 Ways to Make Your Mother's Day Gift Memorable | Her Campus



Happy Mother's Day - Roses, Swirls and Bokeh - Motion Graphics ...

External links

  • Media related to Mother's Day on Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
