Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

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Why We Use Coconut Coir not Soil - MicroFarmsUSA©

Coat ( ), or coconut fiber , is a natural fiber extracted from coconut husk and used in products such as mats, mats, brushes and mattresses. Coir is a fibrous material found between hard, internal shells and the outer layer of coconut. Other uses of brown coco (made from mature coconut) are padding seats, firings and horticulture. White coir, harvested from raw coconut, is used to make soft brushes, straps, straps and fish nets.

Video Coir


The name of the coir comes from pay , Malayalam said for cable. Ropes and straps have been made from coconut fibers since ancient times. The Indian navigators who sailed the oceans to Malaya, Java, China, and the Arabian Gulf centuries ago used a coir to strap their ships. The Arab writers of the 11th century refers to the extensive use of coirs for ropes and ropes.

A coir industry in England was recorded before the second half of the 19th century. During 1840, Captain Luas, in collaboration with Captain Logan and Mr. Thomas Treloar, founded the famous Treloar and Sons carpet company in Ludgate Hill, England, for making coir into a variety of fabrics suitable for floor coverings.

Maps Coir


Fiber coir found between hard skin, internal shell and outer layer of coconut. The individual fiber cells are narrow and hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose. They are pale when immature, but then become hardened and yellow because the lignin layer is deposited on their walls. Each cell is about 1 mm in diameter (0.04 inches) and 10 to 20Ã? M (0.0004 to 0.0008Ã, in). Fiber usually has a length of 10 to 30 cm (4 to 12 inches). Two varieties of brown and white coir. Brown coconut is harvested from ripe coconuts fully thick, strong and has a high abrasion resistance. These are usually used in mats, brushes and firings. Mature brown coconut fiber contains more lignin and less cellulose than fibers such as flax and cotton, so it is stronger but less flexible. White coir fiber harvested from coconuts before ripe is white or light brown and smoother and smoother, but also weaker. They generally spin to make threads used on mats or ropes.

Relative fiber is relatively waterproof, and is one of the few natural fibers that are resistant to damage by brine. Fresh water is used to process brown coir, while sea water and fresh water are both used in the production of white coir. It should not be confused with coir, or earlier cocopeat, which is a starch material produced from the processing of coir fiber. The fiber coir is locally called 'koprah' in some countries, adding to the confusion.

Biomac® Waterlog Coir Log | Geofabrics


Green coconut, harvested after about six to 12 months in the palm of the hand, contains white fiber bending. The brown fiber is obtained by harvesting the fully ripe coconut when the nutrient layer around the seed is ready for processing to be copra and dry coconut. The fibrous layer of fruit is then separated from the hard shell (manual) by moving the fruit downwards to the spike to divide it (dehusking). An experienced husker can manually separate 2,000 coconuts per day. Machines are now available that destroy the entire fruit to provide loose fiber. These machines can process up to 2,000 coconuts per hour.

Chocolate fiber

Fiber fibers are soaked in a hole or in a net in slow-moving water to swell and soften the fibers. The long feather fibers are separated from the shorter mattress fibers under the peanut shell, a process known as wet grinding. Mattress fibers are sieved to remove dirt and other debris, dried in the sun and put in bales. Some fiber mattresses are allowed to retain more moisture thus maintaining elasticity for the production of bent fibers. Coir fiber is elastic enough to rotate without breaking and holding the curls as if waving permanently. Rotating is done by simply making a piece of fiber strap and rotating it using a machine or by hand. Longer feather fibers are washed in clean water and then dried before being tied into bundles or rolls. These can then be cleaned and 'hacked' by a steel comb to straighten the fibers and remove shorter fiber pieces. Fiber coat can also be bleached and dyed to get different color scrolls.

White fiber

Immature husks are hung in rivers or holes filled with water for up to ten months. During this time, micro-organisms break down plant tissue around the fibers to loosen them - a process known as retting. The skin segment is then hit by hand to separate long fibers which are then dried and cleaned. Clean the fiber ready to spin into the yarn using a simple one-handed system or spinning wheel.

Researchers at the National Institute of CSIR for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology in Thiruvananthapuram have developed a biological process for the extraction of coir fiber from coconut husk without polluting the environment. This technology uses enzymes to separate fibers by altering and dissolving plant compounds to curb water pollution caused by the outbreak of chaff.


Due to the high fiber fibers of sodium and potassium, it is treated before being used as a growth medium for plants or fungi by immersion in a calcium buffer solution; most of the coir sold for growth purposes are said to be pre-treated. After the remaining salt has been washed out of the coir fiber, it and cocochips become suitable substrate for mushroom cultivation. Coir is naturally rich in potassium, which can cause magnesium and calcium deficiency in untreated horticultural media. Coir fiber is rarely used as a potting material, except for orchids, and does not need buffering, as it has very low cation exchange capacity (CEC), so it does not retain salt.

Coir does provide a suitable substrate for the use of horticulture as an unspotted pot medium. High content of lignin material is more durable, holds more water, and does not shrink the pot side when dry allows for easier rewetting. This lightweight media has advantages and disadvantages that can be corrected by the addition of appropriate amendments such as coarse sand to heavy in interior plants such as Draceana. Nutritional amendments should also be considered. Calcium and magnesium will be lacking in a mixture of pots of coir, so a good source of nutrients naturally is dolomite lime containing both. pH is the most important because coir pith tend to have a high pH after several months of use, resulting in stunting of plants and various deficiencies. Coir also has a very sensitive disability to Leucocoprinus greenhouse fungus. The addition of beneficial microbes to the coir medium has been successful in tropical green house conditions and interior spaces as well. However, it is important to note that microbes will be involved in growth and reproduction under humid atmospheres that produce fruit bodies (fungi).

Bristle coir

Bristle coir is the longest fiber coir. It is made from coconut husk that is heated through a process called defibring. The extracted fiber is then combed using a steel comb to make the fibers clean and to remove short fibers. Fiber coir fiber is used as a bristle brush for domestic and industrial applications.

Coir - Wikipedia


Cordage, packaging, bedding, flooring, and more

Red gloves are used on mats and mats, brushes, mattresses, floor tiles and firings. Small numbers are also made into yarn. Chocolate brown fiber bearings, made with needle-felting (mechanical techniques that bind fibers together), are shaped and cut to fill mattresses and for use in erosion control on river banks and hillsides. Most of the brown coir pads are sprayed with rubber sap that binds the joint fibers (rubber coir) to be used as a coating pad for the European automobile industry. This material is also used for insulation and packaging.

The main use of white coir is the making of rope. Mats fiber woven fibers are made of fine grades of fur and white fibers using hand or mechanical looms. White coir is also used to make fish nets because of its strong resistance to saltwater.

Use of agriculture and horticulture

In agriculture and horticulture, coir is a substitute for sphagnum (peat moss) and peat as it is widely available and environmentally friendly. Many sources of coir but highly contaminated with pathogenic fungi, and the choice of source is important. Coir is also useful for preventing snails from fine cultivation, and as a medium grown in intensive greenhouses (greenhouses) of horticulture.

The coconut husk from Mexico has been found to contain a large number of beneficial fungal colonies Aspergillus terreus , which acts as a biological control against plant pathogenic fungi.

Coir is also used as a substrate for growing mushrooms. Coir is usually mixed with vermiculite and pasteurized with boiling water. After the coir/vermiculite mixture has cooled to room temperature, it is placed in a larger container, usually a plastic box. Previously ready spawn bottles are added, spawn is usually grown in jars using a substrate such as rye or wild bird seeds. These seeds are mushroom mycelium and will colonize the mixture of coir/vermiculite that eventually bear fruit.

Coir is an allergen, as well as latex and other ingredients often used in the treatment of coir.

Coir can be used as a terrarium substrate for reptiles or arachnids.

Fiber coir or coir can hold a lot of water, such as a sponge. It is used instead of traditional peat in soil mixtures, or, as a groundless substrate for crop cultivation. This is called "coco peat" because for fresh coco fiber somewhat like what peat is peat, though it is not true peat.

Waste coirs from industrial fiber fibers are washed, heated, filtered and graded before being processed into coco peat products of various granularities and densities, which are then used for horticultural and agricultural applications and as industrial absorbers.

Usually sent in the form of compressed bales, briquets, slabs or discs, end users usually expand and aerate coco peat compressed with water addition. One kilogram of dried coco peat will inflate up to 15 liters of wet coco peat.

Coco peat is used as a soil conditioner. Due to the low level of nutrients in the composition, coco peat is usually not the only component in the media used to grow crops. When plants are grown exclusively in coco peat, it is important to add nutrients to the specific needs of the plant. Coco peat from the Philippines, Sri Lanka and India contains some macro and micro nutrients, including potassium in large quantities. This extra potassium may interfere with the availability of magnesium. Adding extra magnesium through the addition of magnesium sulfate can fix this problem.

Some coco peat do not completely decompose when it arrives and will use the nitrogen available at that time (known as drawdown), compete with the crops if not enough. This is called nitrogen robbery; it can cause nitrogen deficiency in plants. The poorly sourced coconut fiber can have excess salt in it and it needs to be washed (check the electrical conductivity of running water, flush if high). It holds water well and holds about 1000 times more air than land. Adding slow release fertilizer or organic fertilizer is highly recommended when grown with coco fiber.

Common uses of coco fibers include:

  • In lieu of peat, being free of bacteria and most fungal spores, and produced in a sustainable manner without environmental damage caused by peat mining.
  • Blended with sand, compost and fertilizer to make good quality pot soil. Coco peat generally has acidity in the pH range - 5.5 to 6.5, which is slightly too acidic for some plants, but many popular plants can tolerate this pH range.
  • As a substrate for growing mushrooms, which thrive in cellulose. Coco peat contains high cellulose and lignin content.

Coco fibers can be reused up to three times with little loss of results. Coco fibers from diseased plants should not be reused.


Being a good dry and dry coconut absorber can be used as an oil absorber on a slippery floor. Coco peat is also used as a sleeping pad in animal farms and pet houses to absorb animal waste so that the farm remains clean and dry. Hydrophilic coco fibers are not like sphagnum moss and can quickly absorb water even when completely dry. Coco peat is porous and not easy to float.

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Biosecurity risk

Coco fibers can protect organisms that pose a threat to the bios of the countries where they are imported. Coco peat has been imported to New Zealand since about 1989 with a marked increase since 2004. In 2009 a total of 25 new weed species have been found in imported coco peat. Regulations relating to importing coco peat to New Zealand have been changed to improve biosecurity measures.

Trichoderma is a natural fungus in coco peat; it works in symbiosis with plant roots to protect them from pathogenic fungi such as Pythium . It is not in sterilized coco peat.

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Primary producer

Total world coir fiber production is 250,000 tons (250,000 tons long, 280,000 short tons) This industry is very important in some regions of the developing world. India, especially in Pollachi and coastal areas of Kerala State, produces 60% of the world's total supply of white fiber. Sri Lanka produces 36% of the total output of brown fiber. More than 50% of the coir fiber produced annually worldwide is consumed in the countries of origin, especially India. Together, India and Sri Lanka produce 90% of the coir produced every year. Sri Lanka remains the largest exporter of coir fiber and coir fiber in the world.

DDA Coir Carpet Tiles - Paragon Carpets

See also

Coco Coir Bricks


Source of the article : Wikipedia
