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Kill switch - Wikiwand

Video Template talk:Emergency-bot-shutoff

New Image

I have uploaded a new image and made a copy of this template on my user page. The main change I made was a nicer button to press. The reason I am not making changes to the current template is because there are some disadvantages to using my good image. One is that templates will take longer to load. In an emergency, the administrator's response time will be slower - especially if they are using a dial-up internet connection. Also, I'm not sure how compatible this new method is with a browser other than Firefox and Internet Explorer. Please give your opinion about the use of this template. - Jeremy | Talk 1:09, April 21, 2006 (UTC)

I like the fact that the current button does not use images. Ahhh... that pure simplicity and beauty :-). NoSeptember talk 01:27 , April 21, 2006 (UTC)
Any thoughts, anyone? - Jeremy | Talk 08:35, April 23, 2006 (UTC)
I think the current version is much better and more efficient than images because using images effectively would require the use of a css hack to make it work that is highly discouraged and is a bad idea. Pegasus1138 Talk | Contribs | Email ---- 09:26, April 23, 2006 (UTC)

Maps Template talk:Emergency-bot-shutoff

Stop Tempting Me

Who's the Idea but a shiny red button on the page. I am not an admin so I assume if I am tempted to click the button that will happen, however It's very hard to resist pressing a button. Maby something that is not superior. I mean, I saw a great reading

I would suggest something like. If you are not an admin feel free to press the button because it will not do anything.

Who can repeat not press the big red button - E-Bod 22:11, May 7, 2006 (UTC)

Also notice that the clickable buttons extend above and below the buttons so that the stitches are very easy to accidentally click on - E-Bod 22:14, May 7, 2006 (UTC)

Highlight the button to see the cluster area - E-Bod 22:15, May 7, 2006 (UTC)

N.B., even if the admin clicks on it, we still have to confirm the block on the next page. - xaosflux Talk 06:59, June 12, 2006 (UTC)

analysis analysis

New symbol

Will you mind if I change the button to this?

Symbols take about the entire line height, which makes it easier to fix positioning issues, but uses a strange Unicode character so I bring it here. ÃÆ'Â|leà ¢ ? 2006-06-07 t 21:27 z

I drive this new one because the Clickable aria button is between 2 rows instead of the above and below - E-Bod 22:15, June 7, 2006 (UTC)
I also like that. I think I will punish him. -> J @ red 19:59, June 8, 2006 (UTC)
The ranging trick does not work in all browsers... - Ned Scott 21:51, June 8, 2006 (UTC)
Namely.. it works in mine, but may not always work. See Template View: Click. Personally, it does not matter to me, but I know the clickable image trick does not always work. - Ned Scott 21:53, June 8, 2006 (UTC)
In IE (gah) it appears as one of their "non character recognized" boxes. I recommend a rollback for this revision. - Api Fox o 15:15, 09 June '06
Changing it to a non-functional HTML entity. :: On the other hand, it looks like a relative button. I think it's a small price to pay to get the button pop up at the right place in Safari. ÃÆ'Â|leà ¢ ? Ã, 2006-06-09 t 21:28 z

Now showing a giant red box for me (IE, again)... would anyone mind if I change it back? Ã, :( AmiDaniel (talk) 02:02, June 13, 2006 (UTC)

Surrender at 20: Red Post Collection: Nexus Siege details, info on ...

Options ASCII?


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Kill switch - Wikipedia

Added parameters

I have added parameters; 1 change the "bots" in the instruction, 2 change the "bots" at the top. ÃÆ'Â|leà ¢ ? 2006-06-09 t 21:31 z

Talking solutions and motivating action | …and Then There's Physics


I originally created this template for fun. I never knew that it would be so popular! Ã, :) --Ixfd64 03:19, June 14, 2006 (UTC)

It's good that some people take their bots seriously! - xaosflux Talk 03:21, June 14, 2006 (UTC)



I've changed the image to the last image in the "ASCII options" section above, o can be seen in many browsers without the special code page being loaded, and still a circle. - xaosflux Talk 03:21, June 14, 2006 (UTC)

SOCK NOTE: I logged under my botsock (Fluxbot) when I made the edit. - xaosflux Talk 12:19, June 14, 2006 (UTC)

Proposed view

The problem with the current version is the link extends above the template; for example, on User: YurikBot, it overlaps the Jurik link, making it unclickable (in Firefox, at least).

I do not like css hacks more than anyone else, but this one has been used on Templates: Anarchism sidebar [1] for a while, and I do not think anyone who complains it does not work.

... Actually, now I see Jeremy.Visser has created a template similar to this. I guess that also works fine.

~ Booya Bazooka 15:57, June 25, 2006 (UTC)

Support . I came here because of the same problem in Yurikbot. We have to change it to Jeremy.Visser version. - Jonathan Kovaciny (talk | contribs) 20:21, July 20, 2006 (UTC)

Pure CSS

Experiment with multiple CSS

First attempt:

IE ignores the overflow: hidden property;

So IE supports clip: rect (left top left bottom); , but only on position: absolute; . The comma-less argument is non-standard. But most other browsers support it; however, I will add overflow: hidden; only for those not.

This hack in IE is a nightmare -- 19:41, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

Hack-free imagery

You can do this without hacking by adding a line to CSS across the entire site, as I did for {{audio}}. Will require some text, too, for compatibility with non-CSS browsers. - Omegatron 21:17, November 29, 2006 (UTC)

Or simply replace the button with a large red text link, which is as useful as the current image but without all the accessibility issues caused by a CSS hack, and even more intuitive. The Omegatron solution above is also OK for me, but please correct this template, because the use of Template: clickA or Template brother: click has profound implications. View Wikipedia: WikiProject Usability/Clickable images. Regards, --surua  ± 21:31, December 27, 2006 (UTC)

new version - rewrite to reduce confusion, border, right float

[2] [3] Ã,: The new version is proposed to the right. Features:

  • Rewrite the words for a little confusion whether the button is for the administrator or not.
    • Non-admins simply click on the plus sign to report. Maybe turn this into a button also for non-admins. So we have two buttons.
  • Hover right - why it should be so prominent.
  • Above

- Zondor 01:54, March 27, 2007 (UTC)

I do not see the need for bot or border user names. - TeckWiz Parlate Contribs @ 02:00, 27 March 2007 (UTC)
I like the centered buttons better than the right float version. - xaosflux Talk 03 : 38, March 27, 2007 (UTC)
I also prefer centering. Also, links may have to go to AIV (must-of-control bots are clear and need to be stopped quickly), and should be done using imagemap rather than hacked CSS. --ais523 10:00, 27 March 2007 (UTC)
{{editprotected}}. I do not see consenus making changes. Please charge free to add another re-edited tag if the consensus changes. CMummert Ã, Â · talk 18:42, March 27, 2007 (UTC)

"The Big Red Button ", or" There Goes Our Credibility ", by Wikipediawan

So... someone, or maybe a large group of regular wikipedians, seems to have reached a consensus that it would make sense to put a big red button at the top of the article that says "bot buttons stop emergency". Now, I'm 100% sure it means something to you guys and it's there for a very, very good reason. Given the way wikipedians protect their pet pages like bodyguards, I'm sure the buttons will be quickly broken if they do not really matter. So... try not to take this badly, but I have to tell you that for me, coming from the point of view of someone who only visits Wikipedia occasionally to check a little information (or laugh at the flame war) on the discussion page) one more thing that tarnished the image of Wikipedia as a serious source of information. And really, if it's so important to guarantee a big red button right in the middle of the article, it should be important enough to be taken with the Wikipedia developer so they can make it look just for the administrator. 10:44, April 13, 2007 (UTC)

The button is not an article. This is a template, intended to be used only on the bot talk page only. - TeckWiz @ Contribs @ (Let's go Yankees!) 11:13, April 13, 2007 (UTC)
Yesterday (about 12 hours ago) it was prominently displayed at the top of an English article in Paris, which prompted me to write my previous comment. 23:38, April 13, 2007 (UTC)
The template should never have been put on that page, and it has been deleted. FWIW, actually only "can be suppressed" by the sysops. - xaosflux Talk 03: 10, April 14, 2007 (UTC)
For anyone who wants to know or just passing, here is a link to the big red button in Paris: [4] - Hdt83 Chat 04: 13, April 16, 2007 (UTC)

New Image?

Who thinks the image, Image: Crystal Clear exit.svg action would be better to be a "big button" sysops "push" to "turn on a bot", as opposed to Picture: Big Red Button.png, because the bot is a type of technology cut who has the "button off"? I've made a change, but I will return it (ed) exactly one minute . ~ St > ep tr ip 20:06, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

I like the proposed image. I agree with Steptrip. - TeckWiz Parlate Contribs @ (Let go Yankees!) 20:30, 15 April 2007 (UTC)
Thanks, I see it on user bot page where, of course, the operator has created a tailored template; however, I forgot the user page title = P ep font> tr 01:48, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
Looks better for me too, I've made it alive. - xaosflux Talk 08, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
Ugh, I do not like that. But that's just my opinion. Height InBC (Need help? Ask me)
This version looks much more advanced than Pictures: Big Red Button.png, however. ~ Ã, St ep tr ip (UTC)
I like it more than the last, but it will not be against anything else. Perhaps this color scheme is in a round chapter? Perhaps the NYATA button, like this one? - xaosflux Talk 26, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
Agree. (And ironically, I'm the author of the Picture: Big Red Button.png.) - Jeremy 05:09, 28 August 2007 (UTC)
Do not let my opinion make you angry, if I do not like it, I can replace it and replace the image. Height InBC (Need help?) >
Regardless of HighInBC's comment, the word "bots" will bring sophisticated connotations (so much to the point it needs, and I'm sorry if I when I sound stupid, something shiny and/or looking for an efficient), despite the emergency stop button found by xaosflux, surprisingly according to the "emergency stop" criteria :-) ~ ep tr St font color = "# 00FFFF"> ip 21:47, 17 April 2007 (UTC)

There is an entire industry stop emergency stop technology, which is why I was surprised when we suddenly switched from "STOP" to the copier. (Most machines will have red stop and stop emergency - emergency stop keeps down when you press it, and should not be used to stop normally because latching system integrity is critical safety.) Maybe everyone understands "Stop" so why we introduce "live on-off binary machines" is a mystery. But that's all trivia. Rich Farmbrough , 13:23, January 18th day of 2011 (UTC).


I have recently changed the clickthrough link to User: Llama man/Clickthru/3. For 1, this is a double redirection to another user, because 2 there is a normal Template: 's who can do this if we do not want it replaced, because 3 has there is a long history of problems with clicks through on this image, and and someone updating other sapce-user template code will not notice the effect here. - xaosflux Talk 03: 48, July 15, 2007 (UTC)

Here are my 3 points: (1) Good points. (2) Good points, and (3) Good points: :-) - Ã,  « Ã, A NIMUM Ã, Ã, » 15:08, July 30, 2007 (UTC)

Edit request from RcsprinterBot, January 16, 2011


Change 'Robots' in the title to 'Bot'.

RCSprinterBot 11:54, January 16, 2011 (UTC)

First, use your primary account for normal editing. Per WP: Bot policy, bot accounts can be used only for approved bot edits, trials, and some types of edits in the bots user space. Second, such a change may have to be discussed first. I personally do not care, although I noticed | titlename = can be used to convert "robot" into anything you like. Anomie? 13:17, January 16, 2011 (UTC)


For some reason, the bottom line of this template does not seem to be centered correctly. Rich Farmbrough , 13:18, January 18th day of 2011 (UTC).

It seems centered correctly, after you have calculated that the top row and the image are pushed slightly to the left by the {{shortcut}} box when viewed on the Template page itself. Anomie? 17:11, January 18, 2011 (UTC)

Immediate Block

How can I make it so block BOT IMMEDIATELY, instead of taking admins to the block page and having to click on this user block?

Some admins do not have fast internet and will be faster this way. (talk) 01:34, 27 April 2013 (UTC)

Late response, but what if the admin accidentally clicked the button? Easier pressing than rollback. K6ka (talk | contrib) 03:57, January 13, 2014 (UTC)

ANI Notice

ANI states: Before posting a complaint about users here, consider discussing issues with them on their user's talk page. If it is emphasized in this template that a non-ANI approach to a non-functioning bot is preferred, or is it implied? -> ? ? ? .Ã, (Sigma) 05:35, July 21, 2016 (UTC)

I am all for the update, also I think we should refer them to WP: BOWN before WP: ANI. - xaosflux Talk 11:33, July 21, 2016 (UTC)
I think the point here is "bots should be blocked immediately to prevent further damage to the wiki" rather than "complaints about how bots work". That might be better. Anomie? 03:51, July 23, 2016 (UTC)
I agree with Anomie. But how could one country be better than putting it under the big "emergency notification button" notification? -> ? ? ? .Ã, (Sigma) 16:11, 30 July 2016 (UTC)

Why was it returned?

I chose to stop emoji (?) For a reason. It keeps most browsers, and blends in with a flat design. Why did you give it back? Up and Down 1234 01:37, March 27, 2017 (UTC)

Just checked into a browser without extensions: not shown in IE11, Chrome 57 - get the red box and the following text obfuscated; in Firefox with monobook skin - stop sign appears, but it is above and obscures the text behind it. - xaosflux Talk 02:57, March 27, 2017 (UTC)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
