Rabu, 20 Juni 2018

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PSC Applauds Call to Action from GAO Placing Security Clearance ...
src: www.pscouncil.org

A security permit is the status granted to individuals that allow them to access confidential information (state or organization secrets) or to restricted areas, upon completion of a thorough background check. The term "security clearance" is also sometimes used in private organizations that have a formal process for checking employees for access to sensitive information. Permission by itself is usually not enough to gain access; the organization should also determine that the cleansed individual needs to know the specific information. Nothing should be granted automatic access to confidential information solely because of rank, position, or security permission.

Video Security clearance


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Government confidential information is governed by the Finance Council Standards on Security Filtering, Security of Information Act and Privacy Act . Only those who are considered loyal and reliable, and have been allowed to access sensitive information. The policy was recently revised on October 20, 2014.

Checks include checking criminal records based on demographics and fingerprints for all levels, and, depending on individual appointment requirements, credit checks, loyalties, and field checks may be performed by RCMP and/or CSIS.

Permission is granted, depending on the type of appointment, by individual departments or Federal government agencies or by private enterprise security officers. Those who have contracts with the Public Works and Canadian Government Services are bound by the Industrial Security Program, the GSP sub-set.

To access the designated information, one must have at least a standard reliability status (see Hierarchy below). Checks and reliability assessments are working conditions under the Public Service Works Act , and, as such, all Canadian Government employees have at least a screening of the completed reliability status prior to their appointment. However, Government employees by the Order-in-council are not subject to this policy.

The clearances on the status of reliability and secret levels are valid for 10 years, while the top secret is valid for 5 years. However, free departments require their employees to undergo security checks at any time for reasons. Because the security clearance is given by each department instead of a central government agency, the permit is not activated at the end of the appointment or when someone leaves the department. The individual concerned can then apply to reactivate and transfer the security clearance to his new position.


Three levels of personnel screening exist, with two sub-screening categories:

Standard playback is completed for individuals without law enforcement, security and intelligence functions with government, while enhanced screening is for individuals with law enforcement, security and intelligence functions, or access to such data or facilities.

Security filtering

Individuals who need to have hospitals because of their work or access to federal government assets will be required to sign the Personnel Screening, Approval and Authorization Form (TBS/SCT 330-23e).

  • Reliability Status, Standard (RS)
    • Reliability checks are performed by verifying personal data, checking criminal records, credit checks, education, and professional qualifications, data on previous work and references.
    • This level of permission will grant the right to access the designated document with signs Protected A & amp; B information/assets based on need to know. It is compulsory for the individual when the task or task of position or contract requires access to protected information and assets, regardless of the duration of the assignment.
  • Reliability Status, Enhanced (ERS)
    • In addition to Reliability Status, Standard checking, open source checks, and security questionnaires or interviews are required.
    • This permission level will grant the right to access designated documents with the Protected A, B & amp; C information/assets based on need to know.

Secure distance

Individuals requiring access to more sensitive information (or access to sensitive federal government sites and/or assets) because of their work will be required to sign the Security Permit Form (TBS/SCT 330-60e). There are two permission levels:

  • Secret
    • Secret cleaning is only given after the deleted reliability status, with a positive CSIS security assessment.
    • This level of permission will grant the right to access the information designated and classified to the Secret level based on the need to know. Heads of Departments have the discretion to allow individuals to access Higher Secret level information without higher-level permissions on a case-by-case basis.
    • Only those with Secret permissions, with enhanced filtering have access to Protected C information.
  • Top Secret
    • In addition to checking at the Secret level, travel abroad, assets, and character references must be provided. Field checks will also be conducted prior to granting the permit.
    • This level of permission will grant the right to access all the information specified and classified based on the need to know.
Site access

Two additional categories called "Site Access Status" and "Site Access Permissions" are not available for access to information purposes but for those requiring physical access to sites or facilities designated by CSIS as "expected areas reasonably targeted by those involved in activities are a threat to Canada's security ". Designated areas include Government House, official residence of government officials, Parliament, nuclear facilities, limited area of ​​airports, maritime ports, and large-scale event sponsored by the federal government (eg, Winter Olympics 2010).

Where reliability is a major concern, screening site access status (similar to reliability status, standard checking) is performed; where loyalty to Canada is a major concern, site access permissions (similar to Secret permission checks) are required. They are both valid for 10 years.


Prior to granting access to information, someone who has been cleared must sign the Security Filing Certificate and Briefing Form (TBS/SCT 330-47), indicating their willingness to be bound by some of the Parliament Stories during and after their appointment is complete. Anyone who has been granted security clearance and releases confidential/confidential information without legal authority is in breach of trust under section 18 (2) of the Information Security Act with a penalty of up to 2 years in prison. Those with access to Special Operational Information are held to a higher standard. The release of such information may be punishable by law, under section 17 (2) of the Information Security Act, may be subject to life for a lifetime.

Section 750 (3) of the Criminal Code, states that no person shall be punished for violation under section 121 (fraud on the Government), article 124 (sale or purchase of office), section 380 (Fraud - if directed against Your Honor) or section 418 damaged shop to His Excellency), has, after that belief, the capacity to enter into a contract with His Excellency or to receive any benefit under the contract between His Majesty and others or to hold office under His Majesty unless mercy has been committed. given. (This effectively prohibits granting Reliability Status to such individuals.)

Maps Security clearance

United Kingdom

Type of National Security Permit

National Security Clearance is a five-level hierarchy, depending on the classification of accessible materials - Basic Personal Safety Standards (BPSS), Counter-Terrorist Check (CTC), Enhanced Baseline Standard (EBS), Security Check (SC) and Developed Vetting (DV).

The BPSS is an entry-level National Security Clearance, and both CTC and EBS are effectively upgraded to BPSS, with CTCs relating to checking vulnerabilities to extreme persuasion, and EBS-related vulnerability checking for espionage persuasion, a second required for access supervised to SECRET material. SC is again focused on vulnerability to espionage persuasion, and it is necessary for an individual to have long-term unsupervised access to SECRET material and sometimes access to TOEC SECRET (TS) material, while regular access to TS DV is required.

Those with National Security Clearance are usually required to sign a statement stating that they agree to comply with the restrictions of the Official Secrets Act (OSA). This is popularly referred to as "the signing of the Official Secrets Act". This signing has no effect on which action is legal, since the action is legal, not contractual, and the individual is bound by it whether they have signed it or not. This signing is intended more as a reminder to people that they are under such obligations. For this purpose, it is common to sign this statement both before and after a period of work involving access to secrets.

History of National Security Clearance

After the United States entered World War II, the British changed its security classification to suit the US. Previously, the classification has included the top classification of "Most Confidential", but it soon became clear that the United States did not fully understand British classification, and classified information appeared in the US press. It pioneered uniformity in the classification between Britain and the United States.

More UK Allowance

In addition to the National Security Guarantee, other types of roles and organizations stipulate the need for permits, including:

  • Vulnerable Groups (including children) access, such as those operated by Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), replaces former Criminal Bureau of Crimes (CRB) and Independent Safeguard Control (ISA)
  • Law Enforcement, with a Police Personnel Level (PPV) and Non-Police Personnel (NPPV) level hierarchy, which is broadly in line with the National Security Clearance rate, but differs in its main focus on vulnerability to criminality

OPM lays groundwork for security clearance reform, as processing ...
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United States

In the United States, a security clearance is an official determination that a person may access information classified by the United States Government. Security clearance is hierarchical; each level gives the access holder to the information at that level and the level below it. The permit process requires a background investigation and the signing of a confidentiality agreement. Access to certain pieces of information requires "be aware." In some cases, this requirement is only nominal, as some confidential information is widely published on secure networks. In other cases, there is a determination that needs to be formally known. In addition to such a determination, the Special Access Program and Sensitive Compartment Information may require additional investigation and adjudication of the prospective license holder.

Awaiting full security permission of the applicant may be granted unlimited duration security clearance, which gives applicant access to confidential information while the original application is being checked.

The US president may declassify confidential information beforehand.


The authority to classify information and grant security permission to access the information is found in the executive order (EO) and US Federal law. US National Security Information (NSI) has been classified under EO 13526, but since January 10, 2017 the rule was modified by James Clapper as Security Executive Agent Directive 4 in the closing days of the Obama administration. Information may be classified under this Order if the classification authority determines its unauthorized release may cause damage to the national defense or foreign relations of the United States. Information on nuclear weapons and fissile material can be classified according to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (AEA). This permission is only granted by the Department of Energy. The permission process for access to NSI or AEA information is substantially aligned. Under EO 12968, investigative and adjudicative guidelines for NSI and AEA leeway are identical. This allows reciprocity between NSI and AEA leeway, although there are some exceptions.

The standard US Executive Standard 12968 binds all US government agencies that handle confidential information, but allows certain heads of agencies to establish a Special Access Program (SAP) with additional requirements, but not duplication, investigation and adjudication. Comptative Intellectual Competative Information Control System (SCI) is a family of SAPs, and the feasibility of SCI must be provided before accessing certain control systems or compartments (which may require additional investigation or adjudication). The SCI eligibility policy is described in the Intelligence Community Guidelines 704 and its implementation policy guidance [It should be noted that in the Intelligence Community, access to SCI information is much more common than "Top Collateral Top Secrets," and therefore cooperatives will routinely include SCI. in TS products, just to ensure they do not have to meet the "cradle-to-grave" accountability requirement of TS Guarantee information.] Any additional cleaning actions used by SAP must be approved by the Office of Management and Budget, which have generally been limited to non- acts of polygraph, exclusion of persons with non-US close family members, requiring more frequent re-investigations, and requiring annual updates to the security questionnaire.


A security license is granted to the individual and generally acknowledges the maximum permissions level . Exceptions include levels above the boxed access or when someone is purged for a type of a particular data. The President of the United States may be granted access to whatever government or military information they request if there is an appropriate "need to know", even if they can not normally obtain a security clearance if they are not the President. Having obtained a certain level of security clearance does not mean that a person automatically has access to or is granted access to the information opened to that level of permission in the absence of the "need to know" indicated. The "need to know" determination is made by 'disclosure officers', who may work in the office of origin of information. The required "need to know" must be related to the prospective user's mission, or the need for the integrity of a particular security apparatus.


"Unrestricted Control" does not represent permission designations, but rather the permission level at which the distribution of information is controlled. Uncontrolled Not classified indicates information that may be illegal to distribute. This information is available when needed by government employees, such as employees of the US Department of Defense (DoD), but marking indicates that the information should not be redistributed to non-designated users to use it operationally. For example, the organization and process of an information technology system can be designated Unclassified to the user for whom the operational details of the system are not critical.

Public Position of Trust

Despite a common misconception, this appointment is not a security clearance, and is not the same as a secret appointment. Certain positions that require access to sensitive information, but not classified information, should obtain this appointment through a background check. In the United States, Public Trust Positions can be a moderate risk or high risk.


This is hierarchically the first security permission to be obtained, usually requiring several weeks to several months of inquiry. Secret permissions require an NACLC investigation that has been in existence for 7 years on a subject record and must be updated (with another inquiry) every 15 years.


Secret Licenses, also known as Secret Warranties or Ordinary Secrets, take several months to a year to investigate, depending on the background of the individual. Some examples where individuals will take longer than usual to investigate are many previous residences, overseas residents, relatives outside the United States, or significant relationships with non-US citizens. Unpaid bills and criminal charges will most likely disqualify an applicant for approval. However, bankruptcy will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis rather than an automatic disqualification. Poor financial history is the number one cause of denial, and foreign activities and criminal records are also common causes of disqualification. Secret Licenses require NACLC, and Credit investigations; it should also be researched every 10 years. The investigation requirements for Defense Department permits, applicable to most situations of civil contractors, are listed in the publication of the Person Safety Program known as DoD Regulation 5200.2-R, in section C3.4.2.

Top Secret

Top Secret is a stricter permit. A Top Secret, or "TS", permission, is often given as a result of a Single Scope Background Investigation, or SSBI. The highest confidential cleansing, in general, provides one access to data affecting national security, counterterrorism/counter intelligence, or other highly sensitive data. There are far fewer individuals with TS leniency than secret permission. TS permissions can take 3 to 6 months to get them, but often take 6 to 18 months. SSBI should be re-investigated every 5 years. To receive TS permission, all candidates must participate in an oral SF86 review which will be decided upon.


As with TS clearance permission, the Information Sensitive Compensation (SCI) permission is only given after a person has gone through the rigors of a Single Scope Background Investigation and a special adjudication process to evaluate the investigation. Access SCI, however, is only assigned in "compartments". This compartment must be separate from each other by paying attention to the organization, so that an individual with access to one compartment will not have access to one other compartment. Each compartment may include additional special requirements and permission processes. A person may be given access to, or read in, a compartment for any length of time.

Top secret cleaning may be required to access:

  • Communication intelligence, part of SIGINT
  • Design or store information about nuclear weapons
  • Nuclear targeting

Cleared freedoms can be expressed as "John has TS/SCI", in which all description permissions are spelled orally. For example, the US National Security Agency once used a special term such as "Umbra". This classification is reported as a compartment within SCI's "Special Intelligence" compartment. NSA compartments have been simplified; all but the most sensitive compartments are marked "CCO", which means "only handles over COMINT channels".

The US Department of Defense establishes, separately from intelligence compartments, special access programs (SAP) when the vulnerability of specific information is considered exceptional and the normal criteria for determining eligibility for access that apply to classified information at the same time are not deemed sufficient to protect information from unauthorized disclosure. The number of people cleared for access to such a program usually remains low. Information about stealth technology, for example, often requires such access.

Local special clearances include:

  • L permission (Department of Energy)
  • Q permission (Department of Energy)
  • Yankee White (working with the President and Vice President)

Jobs that require permission

Anyone with access to confidential data requires permission at or higher than the rate at which data is classified. For this reason, security clearances are required for various jobs, from senior management to hygiene. According to the Washington Post 2013 article, more than 1.5 million Americans have secret licenses; nearly a third of them work for private companies, not for the US government.

Jobs that require security clearance can be found either as positions that work directly for the federal government or as an authorized federal contractor. Over time, more permit jobs are transferred to the contractor. Due to the overall deficiency in safeguarded candidates and a long time frame for obtaining unclear worker credentials, those licensed are often paid higher than their net worth counterparts. According to one estimate of 2010, "people with security clearance are at the top 10 percent of wage earners in the country".

Requirements to get permission

The process of checking for a security clearance is usually done only when someone is hired or moved to a position that requires access to confidential information. Employees are usually given fingerprints and are asked to provide information about themselves. This becomes a starting point for candidate match investigation. The process has been simplified and now requires people who need permission to enter information online using E-qip; five days allowed for data input. Having an older form of paper can be useful for collecting and organizing information first. Information about the investigation and its status is stored in JPAS or Scattered Castle.

The investigation work is usually at least one of the following types:

  • Check National Agency with Local Agency Check and Credit Check (NACLC). NACLC is required for Secret access, L, and SECRET. ( View: background check)
  • Single Scene Background Investigation (SSBI). SSBI is required for Top Secret, Q, and SCI access, and involves agents who contact employers, co-workers, and other individuals. Standard elements include job checks; education; organization affiliation; local institutions; where the subject has lived, worked, or gone to school; and interviews with people who know individuals. Investigations may include NACLC in prospective couples or people living together as husband and wife and immediate family members who are US citizens other than birth or non-US citizens.
  • Polygraph. Some agencies may require a polygraph examination. The most common checks are the Counter Intelligence (CI) and Full-Scope (Lifestyle) polygraphs. While SSBI is positive enough for access to SCI-level information, polygraphs are routinely granted for "staff-like" access to certain agencies.

If a concern issue arises during the security processing phase, the scope is expanded to resolve the issue. At a lower level, an interim permit may be issued to the individual currently under investigation, but who has already passed some initial, automated processes. Such automated processes include things like credit checks, crime checks, and so on. Temporary permission may be rejected (although final permit can still be granted) because it has a large amount of debt, has a foreign partner, having admitted to visiting a doctor for mental health conditions, or for having acknowledged other items of security concerns (such as criminal records or historical use drugs). When a security issue arises for an individual, which may deter them from holding a security clearance, the adjudicator may also see the Whole Person Concept as a potential source of mitigation so that the person may still be granted a security clearance.

Investigations by one federal agency should no longer be duplicated by another federal agency when the investigation runs within 5 years and meets the scope and standard for the required permit level. High-level permissions can take a long time, sometimes taking a year or more. In recent years, there has been an increase in cases that have been linked to the economic climate. The length of time required for newly appointed people to be cleaned has been referred to as inhibiting the presidential transition process.

Security briefing

In the US, once the permission is granted, the candidate is briefed on "appropriate protection of classified information and criminal, civil, and administrative sanctions which may be imposed on a person who fails to protect confidential information from unauthorized disclosure." It is also required to sign an approved non-disclosure agreement (eg, SF-312 form). High-level concessions are reviewed periodically and any "bad information" reports received at any time may trigger a review. When clean people leave their jobs they are often "reprimanded" - reminded of their ongoing obligations to protect the information they are allowed to see, and the possible consequences they will face if they do not behave as they should. According to NISPOM Chapter 3, newly released employees are required to receive initial security guidance before having access to confidential information. This training helps them understand threats, risks to confidential information, how to protect confidential information, security procedures and tasks applicable to their work. This training is followed up with a refresher training that strengthens the initial security briefing.

Double citizenship

Double nationality is associated with two categories of security issues: foreign influences and foreign preferences. Double citizenship itself is not a major issue in obtaining or maintaining a security clearance in the US. If the citizenship of the applicant for a security clearance "is based solely on the nationality of a parent or birth in a foreign country", it can be a mitigating condition. However, exercising (taking advantage of ownership) non-US citizenship can cause problems. For example, the ownership and/or use of a foreign passport is a condition that is disqualified from a security clearance and "not reduced by personal comfort, safety, foreign legal requirements or foreign country identity" as explicitly clarified in the Ministry of Defense policy memorandum requires that "any license be denied or revoked unless the applicant submits a foreign passport or obtains an official permission for its use from the appropriate body of the United States Government." These guidelines have been followed in administrative rules by the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Security and Security Defense (DOHA) of the Office of Security Industry Security (ISCR) Office, which decides cases involving security clearances for Contractor personnel who perform work are classified for all DoD components. In one such case, an administrative judge ruled that it was not clearly consistent with U.S. national interests to grant a security clearance request to applicants who are second-class citizens of the United States and Ireland. DOHAs may decide on issues involving the granting of security clearances.

Bitcoin and Your Security Clearance - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

The United Nations

The United Nations has procedures and documents of Security Clearance (SC) and documents for United Nations staff traveling to areas designated as areas of security, ranging from one to five ("non-phase" areas are quiet where SC is not needed).

UN staff may apply to SC online, on the Department of Safety and Security website.

Are You Experiencing Security Clearance Processing Delays ...
src: discourse-cdn-sjc1.com

Individuals who have secured permissions are revoked

In the post-World War II era, there were several published, and often controversial, cases of officials or scientists deprived of their security clearance, including:

  • Sandy Berger
  • John M. Deutch
  • Thomas Andrews Drake
  • Abdel-Moniem El-Ganayni
  • Wen Ho Lee
  • Robert Oppenheimer
  • Alan Turing (English)
  • Qian Xuesen
  • Aldric Saucier
  • Edward Snowden
  • Michael T. Flynn
  • Jared Kushner

Why OPM is warning against DoD reclaiming the security clearance ...
src: federalnewsradio.com

See also

  • Background check
  • Compartmentalization (intelligence)
  • List of US security permissions
  • Security Advisor Opinion

What is an Interim Security Clearance? - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Notes and references

Security Clearance On Resume Clearance Resume
src: www.musicgoal.us

External links


  • Standards on Security Filtering


Official German file

  • [2]
  • [3]


  • UK MOD Defense Vetting Institute


  • (DoD) Factors Used to Determine Security/Unapproved Clearance Approvals
  • Decree of the Minister of Defense and Appeal
  • Clearance Security FAQ
  • How to get permission
  • Intelligence & amp; Security Documents, directions, and Instructions
  • DoD Security Clearances and Contractor Instructions -What You Need to Know About Your Needs to Know
  • The Federal Conformity Security Clearance Chart
  • Office of Learning and Hearing (DOHA) Experiencing Large Census Cases, Highlighting the Need for Comprehensive and Effective Preparation of Cleaning Applications


  • United Nations Security and Security Department

The Geneva Center for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces

  • Vetting and Security Sector, published by DCAF

Source of the article : Wikipedia
