Personality Appraisal Inventory ( PAI ), written by Leslie Morey (1991, 2007), PhD, is a personality report of 344-items that assesses the respondent's personality and psychopathology. Each item is a statement about the respondent that the respondent level is on a 4-point scale (1- "Not true at all, False", 2- "Slightly true", 3 - "" Especially true ", and 4 -" Very true ") is used in a variety of contexts, including psychotherapy, crisis/evaluation, forensics, personnel selection, pain/medical assessment and childcare.The test construction strategy for PAI is mainly deductive and rational.This shows good convergence validity with other personality tests, such as Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and NEO Revised Personality Inventory.
Video Personality Assessment Inventory
PAI has 22 non-overlapping scales of four varieties: 1) the scale of validity, 2) the clinical scale, 3) the scale of treatment considerations, and 4) the interpersonal scale.
Scale of validity
The scale of validity measures the overall respondent's approach to the test, including pretending good or bad, exaggerating, self-defense, carelessness, or random responses.
- Inconsistency (ICN) is the extent to which respondents answer similar questions in the same way.
- Infrekuensi (INF) is the rate at which the respondent judges a very strange or unusual statement as true.
- Positive Impression (PIM) is the extent to which respondents describe themselves in positive or overly positive light.
- Negative Impression (NIM) is the level at which respondents describe themselves in a negative light or too negative; although this scale may also indicate a severe degree of difficulty.
There are also four additional validity scales:
- Self Defense Index; to help identify defensive responses.
- Cashel Discriminant Function; to help identify falsified profiles with positive biases.
- Malingering Index; to help identify the forged mental illness.
- Rogers Discriminant Function; to help identify simulation profiles with negative bias.
Further identification of redundant and/or negative bias can be calculated using NIM Predicted Profile
In addition, one can also apply the use of the Negative Distortion Scale
Clinical scale
The clinical scale measures psychopathology of respondents using diagnostic categories assessed by developers to be relevant based on their historical and contemporary popularity among psychologists. Each clinical scale (except the Alcohol and Drug Problems) represents a particular trait, and each scale has a sub-scale that represents a more specific aspect of that trait.
- Somatic Concern (SOM) measures the complaints and physical complaints of respondents.
- Anxiety (ANX) measures general feelings, tensions, and general anxieties of respondents.
- Anxiety Related Disorders (ARD) measure more specific anxiety symptoms associated with different categories of anxiety disorders.
- Depression (DEP) measures the respondents' general feelings about dishonesty, sadness, and lethargy.
- Mania (MAN) measures the energy level and high stimulus of respondents.
- Paranoia (PAR) measures the suspicions and concerns of the respondents about others who are harming them.
- Schizophrenia (SCZ) measures the unusual sensory experiences of respondents, strange thoughts, and social disengagement.
- The Borderline feature (BOR) measures the respondent's issues with identity, emotional instability, and issues with friendship.
- Antisocial features (ANT) measure the level of cruel/criminal behavior and selfishness of respondents.
- Alcohol Issues (ALC) measure the problem of respondents by excessive drinking.
- Drug Problems (DRG) measure the problem of respondents with excessive drug use.
Care consideration scale
The scale of treatment consideration measures factors that may be associated with the treatment of clinical disorders or other risk factors but which are not captured in psychiatric diagnosis.
- Aggression (AGG) measures the aggressive behavior of respondents towards others.
- The suicidal idea (SUI) measures the frequency and severity of respondents from thoughts and suicidal plans.
- Not Support (NON) measures how socially isolated a respondent feels, and how little support is provided by the respondent's report.
- Stress (STR) measures the disturbance and stress that can be controlled and uncontrolled reported by the respondent.
- Rejection of treatment (RXR) measures certain attributes of respondents known to be associated with psychological treatment adherence, including motivation, willingness to accept responsibility, and openness to change and new ideas.
Interpersonal scale
The interpersonal scale measures two factors that affect the interpersonal function for the respondent. They are based on the circumplex emotional classification model.
- Domination (DOM) measures the extent to which respondents act dominant, assertive, and in control in social situations.
- Warmth (WRM) measures the extent to which respondents act well, empathic, and engage in social situations.
Maps Personality Assessment Inventory
The rationale behind the development of PAI is to create an assessment tool that will enable measurement of psychological concepts while maintaining statistical power. The methodology of development is based on some progress that the field of personality assessment witnessed at the time. Due to the fuzzy nature of constructs (concepts) in psychology, it is very difficult to use an approach that refers to the criteria, as used in some parts of the drug (eg pregnancy test). This is why construct validation is essential for the development of personality tests. Usually described as involved when the test intends to measure some constructs that are not "operationally defined". PAI was developed because instrument authors felt that there were a limited number of self-report questionnaires using this type of construct validation method to assess areas relevant to diagnosis and treatment planning.
The PAI developers examined various literary sources to produce five areas assessed by PAI (responsiveness validity, clinical symptoms, interpersonal style, complications for treatment, and environmental characteristics of a person). Construction is included if they are relatively stable in the importance of diagnosing mental disorders over time, and if they are important in contemporary clinical practice. The construct validation approach used to build PAI is used to maximize two types of validity: content validity and discriminant validity. To ensure that the validity of PAI content is maximized, each scale has a balanced sample of items representing various important items for each construct. For example, the scale of Depression has items that involve physical, emotional, and cognitive content (not just questions about mood or interest). Each scale also assesses the various severity levels for that scale; for example, the scale of Idea suicide has items that range from vague ideas about suicide to different plans to self harm. To ensure that PAI maximizes discriminant validity, each scale must be relatively different from one another. For example, if the scale of depression and anxiety have many of the same items in them, it will be difficult to know whether an increase on this scale means that the person has symptoms of depression, anxiety, or both. Thus, PAI developers emphasize the fact that their size does not have overlapping items to ensure a better interpretation of the scale.
PAI focuses on the content of psychological concepts. The initial items are written so that the content will be directly relevant to the different constructs as measured by the test. These items are valued for their quality, eligibility, and bias. For example, the review panel may identify items that may be pathological but actually normal in a subculture. After ensuring that PAI discusses certain concepts in psychopathology, the developers proceed to the second stage in the process. This stage involves "empirical evaluation" items. The research team administers two versions of the test, first to the student sample and then to the normative sample. This version is evaluated using several criteria, such as the internal consistency of the scales (or how many items on a scale correlate with each other). The ability to pretend good or bad when taking a test is also evaluated using a sample of students who were given different instructions on how to answer the test.
PAI is often used in forensics and correction, where increased support for its validity has been noted. PAI has a number of strengths for applied psychological assessment. First, the 4-point scale contributes to greater reliability and validity of the scale, as it gives respondents the opportunity to rank nuanced (as opposed to true-false scales). Secondly, it is relatively economical, assessing most of the constructs that are widely considered important in clinical personality judgments with only 344 items. Thirdly, almost all PAI items can be read at the grade level 4. Simple and simple words can reduce the administrative burden on the respondents. Lower reading levels make it accessible to those with lower levels of intelligence and reading ability. Fourth, responses from each individual profile can be compared with some large samples. The first sample consists of 1,000 people with similar demographic characteristics (eg, Age, sex, ethnicity) to US Census data. Comparisons with this group are useful for detecting and estimating the severity of clinical problems relative to the average person. The second sample consisted of 1,265 psychiatric patients. Comparison with this group helps assess the severity of psychopathology among other patients. There were also a sample of 1,200 offenders from several correctional settings and a further sample of 1051 students.
All constructs measured by PAI are commonly used by psychologists and named in such a way that they can be easily understood. The unlimited interpretive software written by the author of the test is available from the publisher, as well as the adolescent version of the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent (PAI-A) test, developed for use with adolescents 12 to 18 years of age; consists of 264 items. This measurement only requires fourth level reading and takes only 45 minutes to complete. PAI-A also has the advantage of assessing feature limits, which most other instruments used with teenagers are not included. Personality Assessment Screener) is a 22-item instrument that provides an index of the likelihood that important clinical improvements will occur in PAI. This screening tool can be used in addition to PAI under appropriate circumstances. A simple scale name combined with the interpretive and diagnostic hypotheses provided in the computer report limits the load on the testers.
There are also a number of psychometric (statistical) powers from the PAI, which include important content validity and discriminant validity (for detailed PAI review and validity, see.)
Finally, there is increasing evidence showing that PAI has clinical and forensic validity
Because PAI does not measure some constructs that may be of concern in clinical judgments (eg, eating disorders), it is often useful to supplement PAI with other measures. Care should be taken in interpreting PAI data from non-English speakers or when administration breaks from standard administration, as is the case for all psychometric instruments.
See also
- 16PF Personality Questionnaire
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Source of the article : Wikipedia